Stewart-Hass - Will They Be a Disaster in 2014?


Team Owner
Aug 30, 2013


Aug 29
All of the reports I've read say that Gene Haas hired Kurt Bush without Tony's involvement or even his knowledge. If I were Tony, I would be REALLY pissed about that! On top of that, Busch and Harvick hate each others guts. Then there is always the Danica wildcard. Who knows how Busch and Harvick will react to her (and vice versa), particularly if she isn't driving any better next year than she is this year. Neither Busch or Harvick are likely to put up with having their crew chief taken from their team (if Tony tries to do that again the way he did with Newman's crew), and given to Danica to help her " improve".

That team could be one friggin' mess next year in terms of teamwork (or lack thereof) among not only the drivers but between the owners as well. It wouldn't surprise me if Harvick is having second thoughts about signing on there.
I think Stewart-Haas Racing will be the New York Jets of NASCAR in 2014. It'll be a circus, it'll get a lot of attention, but the performance probably won't be there.
You have three of the biggest hotheads in all of racing on the same team. Plus, Danica has had her anger issues as well. They will be fighting each other in no time.
They'll be alright......On track at least. Outside of it, who knows.
Who in the hell is going to mediate their arguments? It is usually the team owner. In this case, the team owner Tony is going to be in the middle of most of the fights? Hope Gene Hass is tougher than he looks, cause he doesn't look like he will be much far he is making it worse. Delana maybe can get them straightened out?
Zippy is the only one that has a chance, and that's a slim one. Queue the dynamite, this is gonna be the dog gone-est(?) explosion you ever heard.
Who in the hell is going to mediate their arguments? It is usually the team owner. In this case, the team owner Tony is going to be in the middle of most of the fights? Hope Gene Hass is tougher than he looks, cause he doesn't look like he will be much far he is making it worse. Delana maybe can get them straightened out?

Delana Harvick should be told stay out of the garage and mind her own business and that her husband drives the car - not her.

As for SHR, if they can keep those 3 egos in check and personality conflicts to a minimum, they'll be a force in Nascar. I'm not expecting much from the #10 but one never knows.
Sounds like some DeLana hate going on there. Tough crowd.

Call it whatever you wish but it's nothing against her personally. I just think that if you're going to be walking around the garage mouthing off, at least back it up on the track.
Delana Harvick should be told stay out of the garage and mind her own business and that her husband drives the car - not her.

As for SHR, if they can keep those 3 egos in check and personality conflicts to a minimum, they'll be a force in Nascar. I'm not expecting much from the #10 but one never knows.
Delana Harvick is the only Drivers wife that was born into a hard core racing family, her dad was a nascar driver, has raced in the lower tiers herself, has worked in PR for Jeff Gordon and others and knows more about the inner workings of a race team than most of the drivers in the sport. I like her, she holds her own dealing with the over inflated ego's prevalent in and around nascar racing. She is not a trophy wife like most of the rest of them and has earned the right to do anything she damn well chooses.
Seems as though I've done my part to take the attention away from Patrick if only for a little while.

Delana Harvick is the only Drivers wife that was born into a hard core racing family, her dad was a nascar driver, has raced in the lower tiers herself, has worked in PR for Jeff Gordon and others and knows more about the inner workings of a race team than most of the drivers in the sport. I like her, she holds her own dealing with the over inflated ego's prevalent in and around nascar racing. She is not a trophy wife like most of the rest of them and has earned the right to do anything she damn well chooses.
I was thinking the same thing , she knows racing.
Yeah.. although I do see Busch being the odd one out. He's gona bring that single car mentality to the team for a bit I think and that will help them falter. They'll get it together after a little while though.
Kurt is the most flawed and the one most likely to snap.
Smolder ,Hardlick, Bushy and DangIcrashed Pawreck. Four huge egos and four Championships .Sounds like a Springer episode.
There is a slim ray of hope in this disaster for Tony ...Darien Grubb may be available . That team ain't settin the world on fire .
They can have a concrete tilt up or a metal shop built and done in a couple of three months, whats the problem..They have the money and the space. There isn't much difference in the cars anymore, if they can keep Danica from wadding them up, they should have plenty to go around they have 5 months. They already got a crew chief from the 55 and haven't heard a thing about Newman's old chief going anywhere.:idunno:
They can have a concrete tilt up or a metal shop built and done in a couple of three months, whats the problem..They have the money and the space. There isn't much difference in the cars anymore, if they can keep Danica from wadding them up, they should have plenty to go around they have 5 months. They already got a crew chief from the 55 and haven't heard a thing about Newman's old chief going anywhere.:idunno:

I believe the crew chief coming in from the 55 was to be Harvicks crew chief . A pretty good indication (at that time) to Newman's crew chief that he was getting fired . This latest scramble may have Hass trying to get him back but there was also a report that he and Ryan were shopping themselves as a pair.
I Just Read on JAYSKI that Tony will have a news conference on Tuesday...Wonder how long he will go before his true feelings are known?
I believe the crew chief coming in from the 55 was to be Harvicks crew chief . A pretty good indication (at that time) to Newman's crew chief that he was getting fired . This latest scramble may have Hass trying to get him back but there was also a report that he and Ryan were shopping themselves as a pair.
I haven't seen one article from Stewart Haas saying he is out of a job. They hired him as a crew chief for Stewart Haas. The talking heads are saying whatever they think will sell an article. same B.S. with Dinger. They announced he is driving for them, but not a word so far about switching brands. I'm like Jack Webb...just the facts man.

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