Still here.



:lol: Well I still around. Went through the heart cath ok. He did find blockage. On the back of the heart. Put me on a pill that he said is made for breaking up blood clots. He sent info from cath to a Dr. in Memphis Tn. If nothing happens I go back in two weeks to find out just what they plan.
Glad that you are ok and taking care of yourself! Meet me at the pond!
Glad to hear you will be with us for a while longer ;) :salute:
Thoutht I would bump this tread up and not make another one. I have got to be in Memphis Tn. at 10:00 am Wed morning. They are going to put in a stint instead of doing a by pass. So Wed I will be off the board for a couple of days but I shall return :cheers:
Good luck, I can relate going to the Hospitals and all, never fun, but as long as it can help, we prety much have to go.
Good luck to you Gollum. You will definitely be on our minds and in our hearts and prayers on Wed. May they have great success and you leave the hospital good as new. :wub:
Adding you to my thoughts and prayers too. k Thank you for keeping us up to date on what's going on with you. Take care of yourself we want you around for the GBFC meetings!!! :)
Hey man, nothing to a stint. My dad had one put in in the back of his heart and he is doing great. A guy I work with had one put in and was back at work in two days.I will say a prayer for you on Wednesday ole buddy.
I have been told their not to rough. Back in 92 I had a double bypass. I told the DR. I would as soon die than to go through that again. :( And I do really think everyone for the kind words and prayers.
Hey Gollum, I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday. Eith the way things are today, you'll be back on your feet in a couple of days. In the meantime, we'll keep a cold one in the fridge for you.
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