Straight Talk cell phones from Walmart

Bucky Badger

Go Kyle Go
May 11, 2003
Madison WI
I don't shop at walmart much but I heard about straight talk on another forum. I was on a friends cell phone plan but his construction company went under so I had to get my own. 1000, 1000 texts and 30MB data for 30 a month. Or unlimited for 45 bucks. It uses Verizion network. I have used it for 15 days and all is good. No contract.
I don't shop at walmart much but I heard about straight talk on another forum. I was on a friends cell phone plan but his construction company went under so I had to get my own. 1000, 1000 texts and 30MB data for 30 a month. Or unlimited for 45 bucks. It uses Verizion network. I have used it for 15 days and all is good. No contract.

Mom is trying to decide to go with this. She's worried about the fine print.
I don't like monthly fees, so I use TracFone. I don't use my phone except in emergencies. I only pay for what I use, which is next to nothing. Costs about $100 for a year and 400 minutes.

I doubt that I use 100 minutes a year. I'm just not on the phone. And only my husband has my number.
my friend from england is on straighttalk. She's had a couple issues, but nothing that a call from her dad (in the AF in England) to customer service couldn't fix.
When I bought my Trac Fone from Wally World $30 it came with double minutes. Buy 60 minutes for 20 bucks and get 120. I've spent 40 bucks since May and have 130 some minutes remaining.
Like TRL only my family has the number and it's only for emergencies or very important stuff not "hi watcha doin'" calls.
Also like TRL, I don't want another monthly bill.
There are several companies that sell prepaid service including most of the big name companies as well. This is one area where competition is working well. We are now on Sprint and are about at the end of our contract and will be changing next month more than likely to Verison. Wireless service is only what you want and need. For some, all they want is a way to keep in contact in case of an emergency. For others, there is the need for the internet. I want the ability to text so that my wife and contact me when I'm not available to answer the phone and vice versa. I also want the ability to use email so I can send pictures that I take with the phone. When it comes down to the basics, I can, and most people can, do without a cell phone. But then again, 100 years ago most people were without electricity but who among us now can do without?
I also want the ability to use email so I can send pictures that I take with the phone.

Not sure about other carriers, but txt2eml is free in ATT.

Your email address is your 10 digit number @

[email protected] for 1-234-567-8900 for example. You can also send pictures directly to email, and that will be the from address.
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