Students miss prom because of breathalyzer tests that came back negative.....

A single bottle of champagne/ A single bottle? Opened or unopened as the article doesn't say. If unopened what's the problem? Why did staff and faculty give the test and not the deputy who was there and I'll guess is trained to do so?
A single bottle of champagne/ A single bottle? Opened or unopened as the article doesn't say. If unopened what's the problem? Why did staff and faculty give the test and not the deputy who was there and I'll guess is trained to do so?

I'd love to see the parents in the community organize a senior prom... heard of it happening a few years ago when a school district in Georgia wouldn't let blacks and whites attend the same prom (yes, this was very recent history) so the community organized their own senior prom. It's honestly getting to where the school system is best left out of extracurricular activities.
My apology to TRL but there's something very wrong with the teachers, ooops excuse me, educators and administrators in school systems today. In many cases they display a complete failure in the common sense department.
I know we're in a litigious society and many hate lawyers but the expense of a prom dress is staggering, ask me I paid for two. I'd be cross eye'd pissed and would sue the chit out of those responsible
Why show up at 10:30 for a prom? They knew a breathalyzer may be required to enter and they showed up with a bottle of alcohol.

But lets blame everyone else...
Why show up at 10:30 for a prom? They knew a breathalyzer may be required to enter and they showed up with a bottle of alcohol.

But lets blame everyone else...
That was my 1st thought. You would think they would show up a little earlier. Hate the kids missed the prom, but it sounds like it may have been just as much bad judgement on their part or the bus driver.
The 10:30 arrival time caught my eye, also.
And no need to apologize to me, Bobw. I will say however, that because of "set in stone rules", mostly formulated by
politicians, we didn't have any wiggle room in punishments handed out. If we'd used our common sense, we'd be under
fire. Damned if we did, and damned if we didn't.
If they showed up impaired, I would understand. That's bull**** though. 2 hours? Back and forth about a champagne bottle? Come on. You don't get many opportunities to attend prom.
Lost out on one of life's great experiences.

Yes, I'm talkin' about "off faster than a prom dress,,,":booya:
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