Sugar Cane Vs. Fructose Syrup


The iRacing Guru
Sep 29, 2009
So I did my grocery shopping yesterday between my morning hours and night hours, and when I approached the check out line, I saw a strange Pepsi bottle. I went to look at it, and I was shock by what I saw.


This Pepsi had real sugar in it instead of Fructose Syrup. I immediately brought it, and after I left the store, I opened up the bottle and took a drink. The difference wasn't that much, but I could tell that it tasted better. I don't know about you, but when a drink has that Fructose Syrup stuff in it, it taste syrup-y. This Pepsi did not have that syrup-y taste!

So, I'm now wondering, why are they using Fructose Syrup in our drinks instead of sugar cane? I mean Canada and Mexico use sugar cane. Why not us?

Also, if you see a Pepsi bottle like this, then you need to buy them all! I don't care if you don't like Pepsi, buy it! If they sell enough of these, it may become permanent instead of just a promotion.
I want some REAL Dr. Pepper -- made with sugar. But I have to drive 2 hrs to Waco to get it. *sigh*

Our little hole would never have the Pepsi with sugar.
I want some REAL Dr. Pepper -- made with sugar. But I have to drive 2 hrs to Waco to get it. *sigh*

Our little hole would never have the Pepsi with sugar.

Just picked up a 6 pack of that from a little produce store over in Arlington.It's almost as expensive as gas $5.50 for 6 8oz. bottles.
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