Suggestion To Foil Viruses & Worms


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
Had a thought and had to share, as it doesn't happen that often...mark your calendars...LOL. Here it is: Because of all of the new viruses and worms that allow strangers to access your address book and send out mail to your friends to spread the viruses and worms, (in your name), I had an idea (Stolen from someone else...LOL!!!!), to let your friends know if the mail is really from you.

Up to you, of course, if you want to do it.

Ok, in the subject box, before the subject, put a personal symbol such as ** or %$# or 9...whatever you choose. The worm or virus will not know to do this, therefore, you will KNOW it's from your friend and will not be from a worm or virus. I know this will take me awhile to remember to do, as I have sometimers. But, it might just help...just a thought.

Of course, this doesn't substitute for having a TOP NOTCH Anti-Virus thingy! My Norton 2006 scans ALL my emails (Incoming and outgoing) as well as updating my system at least daily.
also, in your addy book, make the first entry "!000" and when the virus hunts your addy box, it'll snag on that entry when it tries to send, and it won't spread.

oh, and I have AVG..much better than norton, daily updates automatically with no user input.
I also use AVG, much cheaper and does a better job than Norton and Mcaffee in my opinion.
I use AVG now because I couldn't use update my Norton, and 2006 won't run in my current configuration.

I, too, am quite happy with AVG.

One thing I do to avoid viruses, etc. is read my mail through my ISP's website, rather than Outlook Express. I can see everything without downloading anything to my machine.
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