


Just got some suggestions here that I thought would be interesting, make the board a bit more nicer to navigate, not that it's not, the boards great but I'm just thinking out loud here.

- Merge IRL and CART forums into one category: Open Wheel Racing, not a lot of people post in CART, not a lot of people post in IRL either.

- Remove Dirt Track Category, forum hardly sees enough action to see the light of day.

- Move Sim Racing out of other racing and put it in its own Category alongside NASCAR, F1 and Open Wheel. There are lots of Sim Racing Fans around this board but they dont speak up that much and hopefully they will once they see the board a little more.

- Put Die-casts and collectibles and Grin-it bar and grill forums into General Chit Chat category.

Thanks for hearing me out! :)
Remove the Dirt threed merge IRL and Cart?

i done some math again :unsure: :blink:

1965 post
354 Topics

Open Wheel (if merged)
1522 Post
244 Topics

so it looks like Dirt Track races still has some light hittin it.

Also, i like the Grin-it bar and grill in it own section, that way if you want to post a Joke it dont take up space in the Gen Chit Chat area.

But im not the guy in charge here, just giving my ideas also.
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