

Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
A seriously depressed woman stands at the edge of a cliff, trying to get the nerve up to jump.
A passing hobo stops and says, "Since you're about to kill yourself anyway, would you mind if we had sex first?"
The woman said "Hell no...get away from me!"
The bum turned to leave and muttered "Fine, I'll just go wait at the bottom."
and while we're on the subject . . .

Two necrophiliacs were walking past the local morgue when one said to the other, "Whatta ya say ? Feel like stopping in for a cold one ?"
Two guys go into the Colorado mountains to explore. They decide to camp in a central location but fan out in opposite directions - then meet back up to share their adventures at camp.

Meet up: Charlie: "Well I went North and ran across an old Ghost Town and found some old about you Mitch?"

Mitch: "Well I went South and found a railroad track...I followed it for awhile and came across a major-sexy young lady tied to the tracks - she had a body to die for - I untied her and we made love in every position you could imagine all afternoon long."

Charlie: "Wow! Holy Cow!...that's tons better than a few old bottles...hey...(wink, wink)...did you get a B(0wj_b??"

Mitch: "Naw...I couldn't find her head". :rolleyes:
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