

Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
Anyone else ever seen a SunSpider? I just found one. I've only seen 3 i my life. They are wicked, aggressive scary little things. They have two sets of verticle pincers that move independently. Their head is split down the center, allowing the independent movement of the jaws. I did some research about them at the library a long time ago (when I was young, before computers). Everything I've read says they are not harmful to humans, but if you see one on the ground and approach it, it will raise up it's front legs and open it's jaws at you. When we were kids, we put one in a mayonnaise jar and dropped in a larger black widow. The SunSpider shredded the black widow in seconds.
Anyone else ever seen a SunSpider? I just found one. I've only seen 3 i my life. They are wicked, aggressive scary little things. They have two sets of verticle pincers that move independently. Their head is split down the center, allowing the independent movement of the jaws. I did some research about them at the library a long time ago (when I was young, before computers). Everything I've read says they are not harmful to humans, but if you see one on the ground and approach it, it will raise up it's front legs and open it's jaws at you. When we were kids, we put one in a mayonnaise jar and dropped in a larger black widow. The SunSpider shredded the black widow in seconds.

Sounds similar to the camel spider in the gulf region. Got a picture?
Sounds similar to the camel spider in the gulf region. Got a picture?

It's the same thing as a camel spider. Apparently there are about 900 species. The ones here only get a couple of inches long. I guess the ones in the middle east are the real scary ones.
It's the same thing as a camel spider. Apparently there are about 900 species. The ones here only get a couple of inches long. I guess the ones in the middle east are the real scary ones.

I've seen a very few up close when I was in the middle east (ten years ago), and while the ones I saw weren't that big (only the size of my jand..not including the legs), the suckers are scary. Like you said, they aren't scared, and hiss and chase you if you get too close.
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