and for the godaddy.com one http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/media/play.asp?isc=superbowl&mediaID=exposure&ci=11526&tab=sb it's funny, but i can see why it was rejected..
from what i can remember with out having to watch em all again my favs would be:
1st qt: Bridgestone
2nd qt: Budwiser
3rd qt: etrade
4th qt: AMP
and for the godaddy.com one http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/media/play.asp?isc=superbowl&mediaID=exposure&ci=11526&tab=sb it's funny, but i can see why it was rejected..
from what i can remember with out having to watch em all again my favs would be:
1st qt: Bridgestone
2nd qt: Budwiser
3rd qt: etrade
4th qt: AMP