Survey finds nearly half of Boston youths blame Rihanna for being attacked



WTF?!?! :mad::bazooka:

2009 03-12 Public Health Commission Surveys Youths on Teen Dating Violence

71% said arguing was a normal part of a relationship
44% said fighting was a normal part of a relationship
51% said Chris Brown was responsible for the incident
46% said Rihanna was responsible for the incident
52% said both individuals were to blame for the incident, despite knowing at the time that
Rihanna had been beaten badly enough to require hospital treatment
35% said the media were treating Rihanna unfairly
52% said the media were treating Chris Brown unfairly

That's right folks, nearly half blame Rihannna for being attacked - guess kids now think women are their *****es just like the rappers tell them :rolleyes: and 52% say the media is treating Chris Brown unfairly... wtf?

These kids idolize these thugs and gangsters (rappers, convicted felon football players, etc) - where are the parents? :confused:
I live in a normal middle to upper middle class neighborhood, nobody is really,really rich nor poor but we do have some for sale signs popping up.
300 foot buffer, mostly woods, between my house and the elementary school next door, grades 1-6.
The boys come out of the woods after school with a marlboro hanging off their lips, talking trash and their pants half down. The girls, I think most of them will be working at a strip club or walking the streets the way they dress. If you think the boys talk trash, you should hear the girls.
I've been in this house going on 9 years, each year their talk and dress gets worse.
So that report isn't really surprising to me.
Well I came home today and the wife met me at the door with the phone in hand. She was on the verge of calling the po-po. The kid next door was standing in the doorway screaming vulgarities at 2 other guys who were in front of my place on the sidewalk. They were just laughing at him. When I drove up they went on their way. She said it had been going on for a while.
But then they are renters and supposed to be moving at the end of the month. Hopefully the owners will try to sell. Not that the house on the other side ever sold so those owners were forced to rent it out. I live in a quiet neighborhood and this fellow was pretty tame when they moved in 2 years ago. But as he hung around the basketball court with the older guys he's gotten more mouthy. His mom works most evenings so he and his sister are there alone. No dad.
And no I didn't try to get involved in their lives. They're friendly enough outside but not to the point they seemed to be inviting. Neighborhoods just aren't as neighborly any more.
If she gets beat that bad and still wants to stay with him tells me she has some serious problems
When we were looking at buying a house last summer we did some serious research. We wanted a good neighborhood, some land and space between houses, and a decent school system. Not that we have kids, but you never know, I'm not quite over the hil Anyway we lucked out, even the teenagers on my street wave to me and say hi when I drive by, the local pizza place has a kid delivering for them and they screwed my pizza up the other day so they had to remake it. When the kid came to the door i wanted to give him a tip anyway, but he insisted that I not said that he wouldn't feel right after the screw up. Real nice kid, I mean how many city kids would of done that? Guess we lucked out, but different story if you drive around Springfield, I won't go downtown at night anymore. Stabbings, rapes, murders, all kinds of crap going on. Sad because there are a few places down there that have some great bands, couple of blues places I used to frequent, but because of the crime I haven't been there in years.
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