talkin bout lawsuits.......



I was just thinkin bout somethin the other day...... me and a friend were talkin bout Austin Dillon...... Wonder how long Teressa will let him run that stylized 3....... I mean is Childress payin her for the image?? Or is she smart enuff after the Jr fiasco to just keep quiet??? just curious.

You can buy the diecast for $60.
I was just thinkin bout somethin the other day...... me and a friend were talkin bout Austin Dillon...... Wonder how long Teressa will let him run that stylized 3....... I mean is Childress payin her for the image?? Or is she smart enuff after the Jr fiasco to just keep quiet??? just curious.

I would think she's have to be smarter than that.
Slanted 3

Richard Childress used the slanted 3 on his cars long before Dale Earnhardt came along, he probably owns the rights to it.
Richard Childress used the slanted 3 on his cars long before Dale Earnhardt came along, he probably owns the rights to it.

Actually, the 3's Childress ran were much different..... Even the first ones on Dales and Ricky's car were slightly different. Terressa trademarked the stylized three's, Intimadator, and most anything and everythin associated with Dale and his name. She actually holds the intellectual rights to that style number......
If she was smart she will leave well enuff alone, can u imagine the ****storm she will cause if she starts a lawsuit.
If I remeber correctly, wasn't it Childress that was going to sue ESPN when the movie about Dale came out because they wanted to use the stylized "3" for the DVD cover and didn't have the right to?
If I remeber correctly, wasn't it Childress that was going to sue ESPN when the movie about Dale came out because they wanted to use the stylized "3" for the DVD cover and didn't have the right to?

This is correct. RCR owns the rights to the Dale Earnhardt #3. Teressa can't do anything about it.
So we have different people who think they are right about who owns the right to the styling of the number 3. Can anyone find something to prove their answer?
I know this, Na$car "owns" the number, they "own" all the numbers. RCR pays Na$car to use the number thru car registration each year. Na$car approves "stylizing" of the number same as they do the paint job (now a wrap) and sponsors.

How Sr trademarked or copywrited the number I dunno,,,:confused:
So we have different people who think they are right about who owns the right to the styling of the number 3. Can anyone find something to prove their answer?

To be clear, RCR doesn't own the actual #3. Numbers are issued to the teams by NASCAR, and until RCR releases it back to NASCAR Childress is the only team at the Cup level that can use it.

However RCR does own the "design" of the white and red #3. Just like DEI owns the "design" of the #8. But DEI owns various other Earnhardt icons like his signature, likeness, etc. If DEI uses the #3 "design" on mechendise, they need to get approval from RCR.

But these are just technical details. Childress is so close with the Earnhardt family that I'm sure he got their permission before using it even though he doesn't really need to. As far as Teressa is concerned, she probably can't stop RCR from using it.
well then, I stand corrected. Lol. I was under the impression she held the trademark on the stylized number as well....... I know when they first started doin Sports Image, she held the rights to what seemed like bout everything to do with Dale..... and after his death, she clambered to make sure no one made a dime without her gettin a cut......... but anywho........ i guess I just didn't look around long enough..... what with her still doin alot of "3" merchandise, I just thought she held that as well...........
Hey Dwayne, forget the #3, how about a #8? And I mean the one even before Little Joe. You need to come out and take a look at the new Revell kit I just got from Jackie that is gonna become one Mr. Mitch Cooper's "hacksaw hardtop"! Plus we still need to see if that new program is gonna do it for the tapes and albums. I'll talk to you about it this Saturday on the way to the track if I don't see you before then.
well then, I stand corrected. Lol. I was under the impression she held the trademark on the stylized number as well....... I know when they first started doin Sports Image, she held the rights to what seemed like bout everything to do with Dale..... and after his death, she clambered to make sure no one made a dime without her gettin a cut......... but anywho........ i guess I just didn't look around long enough..... what with her still doin alot of "3" merchandise, I just thought she held that as well...........

Actually, I would have assumed that DEI and Teressa owned the #3 design until RCR tried to sue ESPN over the use of the copycat logo in the "3: Dale Earnhardt" movie. That shows RCR apparently has legal rights over the design.

I would also assume that RCR owns the rights to the Black GM Goodwrench design since Earnhardt was with the team when it was in use. I doubt Dale could have licenced that under his own name.

But on the other hand, DEI does have a lot of Sr's cars on display. There's a lot of grey area here.

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