Taxi happenings


She's crazy.
Feb 21, 2014
Well as some of you know I drive taxi some part-time. Drove the other night and a woman I picked up at the hospital jumped out of my moving car. Was going 50 km/hr. I narrowly avoided crushing her under the car the car behind me was able to avoid her too. This kinda messed me up and I called the police. Turns out they were looking for her. She should not have left the hospital.

Taxi drivers really see weird things.
Well as some of you know I drive taxi some part-time. Drove the other night and a woman I picked up at the hospital jumped out of my moving car. Was going 50 km/hr. I narrowly avoided crushing her under the car the car behind me was able to avoid her too. This kinda messed me up and I called the police. Turns out they were looking for her. She should not have left the hospital.

Taxi drivers really see weird things.

Holy hell.

I'd have quit right there.
The taxi community is like a family. We stick together. People tell you their secrets....they cry and laugh with you. I feel like a wheeled counsellor some days
Guy I worked with drove. Some great stories. Amazing what women offered to trade for a free ride...
had a woman beg me to sleep with her (not bad looking either--said she needed a man)
had a guy say that he just got doing some viagra and coke and was going over to the house of a friend of his to sleep with his buddys girl
had some military guys (4) and 1 girl. She was doing Acts with them on the way to the nearby base.
It goes on and on....
Buddy said he once had a fare who was drunk that asked him if there was room in the front seat for a pizza and a 6 pack. He said yeah and the guy leaned over the seat and barfed.....

Buddy said he once had a fare who was drunk that asked him if there was room in the front seat for a pizza and a 6 pack. He said yeah and the guy leaned over the seat and barfed.....

*puke* Can see that happening gross
Taxi driver last week told me that the U.S. has gone down hill ever since women got the right to vote... And that ISIS should just let loose a bunch of Asian women and minivans to attack us.

It's fun to set people at ease and see what they actually think.
Taxi driver last week told me that the U.S. has gone down hill ever since women got the right to vote... And that ISIS should just let loose a bunch of Asian women and minivans to attack us.

It's fun to set people at ease and see what they actually think.
You are so right. People say whats on their mind in a cab. Fir good or bad. Guys say they are going to cheat on their wives...girls say they just want guys to notice like I drive a rolling couch
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