Ten thousand posts!


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Proudly Southern
Hell yeah, go me.:beerbang:

You know, that's a whole lot of saying nothing I reckon. One day all the things Ive said on here might be used for evidence or something if I run for president, ya never know.

Not the biggest of milestones, but as 4x said a while back, a milestone is a milestone, right? Now to pass Lappy back.

(And thanks to my bud Toxi for helping me get the last 500 or so.:cheers:)
"One day all the things Ive said on here might be used for evidence or something if I run for president*, ya never know."

*But no worries, I have my Alabama long form birth certificate at least.;)
Congrats 10000 posts! I can only hope I can get that many when I grow up :p
I will toast a drink to you when I get home :beerbang:
10K !!!! Wow...I'll never get there, although I'm one closer with my reply here !! Thanks, 97 for the oppritunity to pad my count !! HAHHAA
You must have been thinking of her as a Piece of @ss??
That's the only thing that figgers :eek:
You are a deep thinking kind of guy, i'm not surprised at 10,000. :cool:
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