Ward Burton
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. -- No B.O. on the J-O-B.
That's the new policy for city workers in Murfreesboro. The City Council has adopted a regulation that workers may not have "an odor generally offensive to others."
It seems one city employee has what's described as a problem with personal hygiene, despite repeated counseling.
The new rules don't spell out exactly what constitutes offensive body odor. But Councilman Toby Gilley said, "We'll know it when we smell it."
That's the new policy for city workers in Murfreesboro. The City Council has adopted a regulation that workers may not have "an odor generally offensive to others."
It seems one city employee has what's described as a problem with personal hygiene, despite repeated counseling.
The new rules don't spell out exactly what constitutes offensive body odor. But Councilman Toby Gilley said, "We'll know it when we smell it."