Terrible crash in air race

damn, that looked like the plane was dive bombing straight into the ground. came apart like shredded wheat. it's a good thing the spectators weren't more concentrated.

oldschool camaro said:
here's the cause of the crash .......

Trim tab failed.

Sad story. I am not going to watch the video, the read was difficult enough.

Sincere best wishes for the injured, and condolence for the families of the deceased.
My Aunt and Uncle were there. They have gone every year since 79 since they live near there. I called them last night after I seen it on the news and he told me he was just getting his stuff together and was ready to leave when he seen a plane looked to be headed straight for the stands he was sitting in but it viered away from the bleachers. He said the sound the plane made when it hit the gorund was the loudest noise he ever heard and he said pieces were flying everywhere in the air. He said he walked down towards where the accident was and seen a leg dangeling over a chair with no body attached to it. He turned around and left with my Aunt because he didnt want to see any more of it.

A side note I heard on the news the pilot raced sports cars for a short time in the mid 80's.
This may be a stupid question but, why no fire?
The fuel cell may have ruptured so quickly, that the fuel had no time to ignite.

I don't know what fuel those planes burn, but methonal (what we run in the camaro) burns 100% invisable on it's own, so there could be a fire not visible.

Hard to say.
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