Terrible news

muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
I just received terrible, terrible news. My next door neighbor where we formerly lived in Charlottesville is in the last hours of his life. He is in Johns Hopkins Hospital for a bone marrow transplant and got pneumonia and the doctor told his wife that it will probably only be hours before he expires. We received the call from a friend who is at the Hospital with his wife. George is only in his mid 50's. I feel pretty bad.
I got another call this morning. He actually passed away at 9:45 am. It is hard to believe. When we moved 15 months ago he showed no signs of ill health. He was a good person and a great neighbor. He was also an excellent Bluegrass Musician.
I am really sorry to hear about this Muggle. I will pray for his family and friends. It sounds like they lost a special person.
I got another call this morning. He actually passed away at 9:45 am. It is hard to believe. When we moved 15 months ago he showed no signs of ill health. He was a good person and a great neighbor. He was also an excellent Bluegrass Musician.

My condolences Muggle. I bet he knew Git Tanner and the Skillet Lickers. (love those boys)
Sorry Muggle, you all are in my prayers.
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