Texas burglary suspect calls 911


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
The nerve................:D

A Texas burglary suspect dialed 911 early Tuesday morning to report that an armed homeowner was threatening to shoot him, MyFoxDFW.com reported.

James Gerow, the homeowner, told the station that he awoke and discovered a man wearing a dark hoodie inside his Springtown, Texas home. Springtown is a small city Northwest of Fort Worth.

Gerow grabbed his gun and followed the man out to a truck in his driveway.

With gun in hand, Gerow convinced the man to drop his keys. He told his wife to call 911 and waited for deputies to arrive.

"I pointed the gun at him and asked him who he is and what the hell he was doing in my house," Gerow said. "He said his name was Lance, and I said, 'Lance, what the hell are you doing in my house?'

"And he said, ‘unlucky.’ Just unlucky.”

Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said the suspect, later identified as 41-year-old Christopher Lance Moore, also called for help while sitting in his pickup truck.

"I'm out in the country somewhere and some guy's got a gun on me," he said on the call.

When deputies arrived they arrested Moore for burglary of habitation, a second-degree felony.

Gerow said while investigators questioned the suspect, Moore admitted he had "bad intentions."

"I gave him a chance," Gerow said. "Had he said he had bad intentions before that, he wouldn't have got his second chance. That's a different ballgame. You threaten me and my family, that's a different ballgame."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/0...calls-11-on-homeowner-with-gun/#ixzz2EJ7OSF9c
This homeowner may have just saved the lives of his wife and himself, yet there are many people out there who insist that we shouldn't have to right to keep a gun to protect ourselves. Well in this case, I'm really glad that he lived in Texas where it is still legal to protect yourself.
I don't know if y'all have hear this or not, but here a few miles from where I live, there's been this "fake beard bandit" that been robbing stores in the area, and they haven't yet caught him. Last week, he went tothe Autozone in town and demanded they open the safe and give him the money in it. The manager and one employee were in the store at the time. The one employee (not the manager) went out to his truck, got his gun, and the bandit ran away. The next day, the employee was fired for bringing his gun into the workplace. Autozone has a "no-tolerence" rule about guns in the workplace.
Most chain retail stores have a policy to give up the money with no resistance. Most also have a no firearms on their property rule. Doesn't make sense but there's big liability on the employer should the employee get injured or killed fighting back.
That's what was nice about the family owned grocery store i worked at in high school. The safe was in a vulnerable location to theft. But you had to get past a pistol, 2 shot guns, a BB gun, and if any of those failed, there were 3 more guns in the stock room that we could go get. There was always at least one armed person [w/ loaded holstered pistol] in the front of the store at all times.

If somebody ever tries to rob that place, they won't leave alive.
That's what was nice about the family owned grocery store i worked at in high school. The safe was in a vulnerable location to theft. But you had to get past a pistol, 2 shot guns, a BB gun, and if any of those failed, there were 3 more guns in the stock room that we could go get. There was always at least one armed person [w/ loaded holstered pistol] in the front of the store at all times.

If somebody ever tries to rob that place, they won't leave alive.

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