
# THANK YOU from NADEAU 6/18 3:30pm/et: It's been almost two months since my accident and even though I feel like I'm in the early stages of my recovery, I'm ready and anxious to say a simple thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's a humbling experience to know that people have been praying for me and I want them all to know their prayers were answered. I can't say enough about the overwhelming support from fans, sponsors, NASCAR and the entire racing community.
It's hard to know where to begin - starting with the emergency workers who rescued me from the car to the EMTs in the ambulance, the infield medical center and the helicopter. They all acted so quickly to get me the help I needed. The doctors and staff at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in Richmond were just awesome.
And now, here in Charlotte, I am being "coached" through the rehabilitation process by a great group of people at the Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation.
I am very grateful to be part of an exceptional race team. It's taken plenty of hard work to go on without me and want to thank every crew member and the front office staff for their support. They're the greatest.
I've never been more proud of my sponsor, the U.S. Army, and how they stood by me through the tough days. You know, I had the privilege of visiting some of the injured soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center two days before the accident. It meant a lot when they sent me a special greeting from the people I met there.
Of course, when it comes right down to it, family is what pulls you through a crisis, and my entire family has been there every step of the way. But I've saved the "best for last" in thanking my wife, Jada. She has amazing strength and you can imagine how difficult this has been for her, particularly with our baby daughter Natalie Kate.
I am going to take this recovery process day-by-day and I'm not going to rush back. I'll know when the time is right. Until then, I'm going to keep working hard to rebuild my body. I want to come back stronger than ever. I look forward to answering questions from the media in the future and we'll let you know the details when they have been determined.
I'm sure I've left out someone, but I want everyone to know how much I appreciate their support and encouragement - thank you to everyone who has helped, prayed and offered support through this ordeal. I feel incredibly blessed.(US Army PR), see past news on my #01 Team News and Links page.(6-18-2003)
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