Thanks Dennis



I had to dump this thing, it locked up I couldn't retrive anything and my memorry not good.Took me for ever to get back on. Now I need an ad for rpmwarrior. I get that one and I'm done. Anyone help?
Originally posted by EJL@Sep 7 2003, 10:36 PM
I had to dump this thing, it locked up I couldn't retrive anything and my memorry not good.Took me for ever to get back on. Now I need an ad for rpmwarrior. I get that one and I'm done. Anyone help?
Check the PM I sent.
Sorry you are having computer problems EJL. Definetly something bad going around. 97forever's computer died on him this week too.
Thank all for the help. I'm sure I don't have it all, but This thing seems ok now. Thats the first time for us. I'm printing everything off so I got it if I need it.
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