Thanks to everyone


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Proudly Southern
To all of you folks,I appreciate the prayers and concern more than I can express.My younger sister,age 32,died this morning about 1:30 am from injuries she suffered when a coal truck hit her Sable on hi way 65,about 2 miles from home.She never regained awareness.My mother has suffered brain trauma and will be impaired and Dad broke two ribs but has been released from the hospital.The whole thing has me really numb and feeling a little not real.Sorry to dump this whole tragedy on you folks.Maybe the internet is just 'cyber' but I still feel a lot of love and compassion and reality from all of you people.Dee especially has been a real friend and is one of the most decent and caring individuals I have ever had the honor of knowing.Maj and Bow and the rest of you just have no idea how much your concern has meant to this old soldier.Thanks to each and everyone of ya'll.
Should have waited until my head was clearer to post this,still cant shake the eerieness of it and how unreal it seems.

But to all of you,thanks from the bottom of my heart.I mean that with every thing in me.When I get it together I will be back around folks.

Love each and every one of ya'll.Thanks for being there.

Clark, We are all so sorry for this tragedy. It is so hard when a family member dies. Use us to vent any time, we are here. Glad your Dad has been released. My Prayers and thoughts will continue to be with you and your family.
I am sorry I must have missed the first post!
I am truely sorry for your loss of your sister. When my grandpa died a couple years ago I also turned to my internet freinds for venting( not here, i had not found this place yet)

You can be thankful about one thing and that it that your dad made it out virtually ok. I hope that your mother gets better from her injuries.

Sorry to hear about your loss, my prayers go out to your family.
for your sister. May God bless her a keep her. My deepest sympathies for your loss, Clark.

My prayers for your mother, and hope that the doctors are wrong and your mother makes a full recovery. Be strong, as your family is the most important thing that you have in life! Be safe and just know that we are here, even if we are in "cyber", we are still sending all the prayers we can your way!
Clark, my heart goes out to you and the whole family.

Feel free to "vent" to your heart's content. We'll be here to listen. When I lost my dad, my cyber friends were there to offer comfort. We're family.
Thats horrible news :( :( ...atleast your dad is out and doing ok. I will pray still... :lilangel:
I am deeply saddened by your loss. You have my most sincere condolences. I have been and will continue to pray for your family. When I lost each of my parents, talking to people who care about me was extremely important. Feel free to talk to any of us any time you wish too.

PM or in an open thread, I will be here any time you wish to talk. Be strong Brother...Chris
I never venture down here, in fact, this is my first time coming to this part of the forum. I never saw this until now...

Im really saddened my your loss. My condolences. Im sure your sister is in a much better place now. I wish your father and mother and quick, safe, and well recovery. 97, the best way to recover is to speak about it and let it out, it seems like you have a great group of people here on the board to help you out, willing to hear what you have to say and be there for you, consider me one of them.

All my wishes.
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Clark my heart is heavy for you right now and I wish strength for YOU.

Prayers and thoughts to you you and your whole family from Kat

Thoughts and condolences go out to you and your family at this time of extremely painful loss.

May you all find the strength to carry on during this most difficult of times.

from the Manley family in NH
97 I am so verry verry sorry. I just wish I had the words to say. But there are none. Spok4 and myself will be praying for you and your family. May God bless. :(
Clark, I am so sorry about the loss of your sister.

I pray that your mom and dad will continue to heal.

Please continue to post here any time that you wish. You have friends here and we are here for you.
Clark, my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your parents. :( Just remember what K.K. Craven once said, "Tough times don't last, tough people do. Stay strong."
Clark, my deepest sympathy for the loss of your sister. I will continue to pray for the full recovery of your parents. Remember, we're open 24/7 and always willing to listen. Take all the time you need, we'll be right here waiting for you.
97 I am very sorry for your loss. I know that sometimes people don't know what to say sometimes, but I know you have the full support and prayers of everyone here. I lost my mom in 91 and I know how much it hurts and helps to talk about your loved one. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Please stay strong and know you have a place here to vent.
The loss of a sister or brother is soooo hard to deal with. Gollum and I had a brother to pass away 4 yrs ago. It still seems like we can pick up the phone and call him. We all miss him dearly. I will remember you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU.
Sorry to hear that. Your family has my thoughts and sympathies. :(
I'm truly saddened to hear this, Clark. My prayers are with you and your family.
Very sad news, my prayers are with you and your family 97forever.
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