Happy Thanksgiving ! to everyone and their families. I hope you all have a safe and joyous time with the ones you love.
BTW To all of you who have to go out shopping on Friday you have my sympathies. I'll be at home in my warm cozy bed. I will be thinking of all of you who are out there getting trampled at the mall at 5am while I am snug as a bug in a rug. Take Care!
Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Hope you all have a wonderful time spent with family and friends, and IF you can't have your family close by (as I) that you still have an enjoyable day.
A very special THANK YOU to Wide Open Photo and every other member of our Armed Forces who are far from home on this Holiday.
May God Bless every one of you and keep you safe.
In the midst of travel, visiting with family and eating, besure to take the time to be thankful to our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST for all his many blessings. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!!!