The best cable news show...



morning joe on MSNBC. No bias, no preset agenda, gives you every side of the debate. Smart, funny and refreshing.

And, at the least, Mika is refreshing to look at. :growl:


Now that's funny!
I have to agree with Andy on this. The "2 dopes and a bimbo" on fox in the morning are sickening.
I have to agree with Andy on this. The "2 dopes and a bimbo" on fox in the morning are sickening.
FOX and Friends in the morning is THE WORST! Worse than American Morning. Worse than The Early Show. Worse than Good Morning America. Worse than O'Reilly. Worse than Limbaugh. :eek:

FOX News is so incredibly bias that their own Sunday Morning talk-show host has called them out on it. And all the dayside anchors did when he did was basically stick their middle finger up at him and continued spewing their stupidity.

There's a reason most new viewers are turning to CNN and MSNBC and why MSNBC is now beginning to beat FOX News on normal news nights with normal programming. People are sick of FOX News.

I like Shepard Smith myself, kind of feel bad for the guy for being stuck over at Fixed Noise and being lumped in with the morons who currently dominate that network's lineup.

BTW ... I'm a CNN person myself. I love MSNBC Morning Joe and MSNBC Dayside but I'll take The Situation Room, Lou Dobbs Tonight and Campbell Brown No Bias No Bull over what MSNBC Primetime and Fixed Noise have to offer on weeknights.
I took Andy's bait, but this fish got off the hook and will swim away, cause it's like arugreing with a bar of soap...
Jon Stewart, period. Followed by the worlds greatest pundit, Steven Cobert.:beerbang:
That "crap" shows the truth. In 2002 Mcpalin fought the tax breaks for big bid'ness citing the middle class needed the breaks. Now he's pushing for the opposite.
Last speech he gave he said barbie had pushed thru a pipeline. The pipeline ISN'T EVEN ON PAPER YET,
pity but the man's delusional
I took Andy's bait, but this fish got off the hook and will swim away, cause it's like arugreing with a bar of soap...
Lappy, I've watch you grow from a pup and you've learned well. Great quip and here's a beer...your choice. Let them eat cake (of soap)! :cheers:
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