The Bush Liberation Tour !



The Bush Liberation Tour is coming to a country near you ! :salute: So far, we've nailed the crap out of several of these terrorist nations, each marked with "completed" and here is the following schedule for the people we havent whacked but will.

10/7/01 Afghanistan COMPLETED
4/3/03 Iraq COMPLETED (Well, Almost)
TBA Liberia TBA
2004 Iran TBA
2004 North Korea TBA
TBA Somalia TBA
I only think we will still go to war with North Korea, and then its over...hopefully...
Well Liberia is a touchy situation. We are just going to try and stop their civil war. North Korea could be done peacefully, but i dunno. I don't have all the intelligence that they do so it'd be dumbt to speculate the order of importance.
I doubt North Korea can be dealt with personally. There are millions of troops lined up on that 38th Parallel Zone, we've squared off with them before and I think we'll do it again. I hear there are daily firefights there each day, I think they'll be more dangerous than Iraq, much more. Well we kicked North Koreas butt before, I think we can do it again. :D
Happy29, is this thread/post really necessary? Or are you just trying to ruffle some feathers? (Honest question)
I'm just making light of the President who I 100% completely support.
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