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NASCAR said in court he tested positive for meth.
He also condemned NASCAR for acting as if its policies are above federal guidelines, and for not having a clear drug policy with a defined list of banned substances. Although NASCAR provided crews with a list of prohibited substances, drivers do not have one because NASCAR reserves the right to test for anything at any time.
This answers one question.
So are you saying because he didn't have a list it's ok for drivers to use Meth?
Do you think ANYONE needs to see it in writing to know Meth would be a banned substance?
IMHO especially since of the seriousness of this drug that whole list thing is nothing but a smoke screen trying to muddy the water and cause confusion.
Why is this an issue with fans if the drivers are okay with the fact they discuss with Aegis Lab their medications and prescriptions and everything is okay.
One other thing I read was that the prescription for aderall (sp) didn't come from his Dr. but from an "Aging and Vitality Center Clinic"
Just for the sake of argument, what if the samples got mixed up? Wouldn't it be interesting if next week Carl Edwards tested positive for Meth? Or would Kyle Busch make you all happy?
I had a false positive about fifteen years ago. Thank God the second test came back negative.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't both test come back positive?
Also, both tests were performed by the same lab.Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't both test come back positive?
Also, both tests were performed by the same lab.
Yes! But both samples were taken from the same person. You pee in a cup and then they split the sample into two containers. That is why I asked the question...
Plus, NASCAR's testing facility broke the seal on the second sample which disallowed an independent test.
So should they be taking the second sample from a different person?
Don't you think a sharp lab tech would be able to check the DNA?
I think it will come out that a "certified lab" can open a sample and still keep chain intact and NOT be contaminated, that is why they are certified. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't video of the whole process.
NASCAR hasn't touched these samples, they haven't contaminated anything.
It is my understanding it is employess of the Lab that collects the samples, NASCAR does not touch them. I'll bet NASCAR does not even know who at the time is being tested as that is the Labs responsibility to run the testing program so the business (NASCAR IN THIS CASE) can not be acqused of having it out for someone.
Why would someone from this lab have it out for Jeremy or any other driver for that matter?
I had a business a few years ago with 100+ employees and was considering implementing a drug plan and I looked into how it works as I certainly had no clue or intent to actually run a program like that myself.
So sadly the NASCAR bashers are going to be disappointed because NASCAR did nothing wrong. They hired the #1 drug testing lab in the country to manage the drug testing program for them. "IF" infact there were improprieties NASCAR was actually a victim in this because they hired and payed to have this program run properly by professionals.
Listening to Moody on Sirius NASCAR Radio 128 the judge stated that Jeremy is subject to whatever testing NASCAR decides and at whatever interval's they decide.
Jeremy hasn't really won anything yet. Jeremy made the statement that the truth has come out, and I'm rather puzzled about that as no truth has come out, that's to come in the full court case.
Let me try this again. A drug testing company is hired by NASCAR. That company tests fifteen drivers and there are fifteen cups sitting on a shelf that need to be labeled and two of those containers get mixed up. If I remember correctly that said company tested fifty people that weekend.
Mistakes happen.
I am not passing judgement until the judge makes his decision.
So, I guess what you're saying is that it could have been Tony Stewarts sample then?![]()
Absolutely. But with Tony the sample would have tested positive for Schlitz....
And I'll ask again, don't you think they could and would if questioned check DNA?
Both samples tested the same so they were from the same person correct?