32 days until the 12 hour, 790 mile pilgrimage to Daytona!
fewer than that till 50 cars fire up for 24 hours!32 days until the 12 hour, 790 mile pilgrimage to Daytona!
31 days left until the long 12 hour drive down to Daytona Beach.
This is even more exciting than New Jersey Motorsports Park.99 bottles of beer on the wall.............
This is even more exciting than New Jersey Motorsports Park.
This is DAYTONA!
(then again I call the Crapital Beltway "Daytona" all the time).
8 days until the Chili Bowl! Only 1 more weekend with no racing
I'm assuming that's PPV again? Too bad hubby doesn't think it's important enough to pay for. I'll have to wait for the edited version on SPEED. At least the 24 hrs. at Daytona is only a couple of weeks away.
Not gonna be on PPV this year. Only on Speed one week delay.