The dreaded post


Ward Burton

I am about to have the post number...666...thats not too good :unsure: , but by the time you read this, i should have more than 666. :p
Aw man! Skip it and go to 667!But whatever you do....DONT reply to this one and make me responsible for #666!
Originally posted by 97forever@May 6 2003, 08:58 PM
Aw man! Skip it and go to 667!But whatever you do....DONT reply to this one and make me responsible for #666!
I wanted to say something, but instead I posted in the Die-cast section, I did not have to repl to anyone!!!!!!!!! :p
The other day I wrote a check to pay a bill. I didn't even look at the check number. The lady that took the check about had a corinary. If I known what check number it was, I would have used it to pay my credit card bill.
Everytime I have opened up a checking account, I have always started my checks at 1000, so I have never encountered this problem. And, don't let the bank fool you by telling you they can't start a new checking account with that high of a check number. ;)
I have a gas credit card. The first three numbers are 666. Never has bothered me. :D
I just got out of the hospital at a little after 12:00 p.m. did mom or anyone tell you
I am now back on Dilantin, Tegretol and one I cannot pernounce :lol: but anyway I have to go back wensday to have a eeg done. They also founf some blockage in my arteries in my neck. that really worries me :(
I will get this all fix as soon as I can get the money up. I am tired of hurting and not remembering a thing. I really cannot remember much of what I have done in the past. Thats really messed up right :(
oh well I am going to go to bed now I did not get much sleep at the hospital last night so I am very tired --- Good night all :lilangel:
Don't remember anyone telling me you were in Hospital. But glad your out. By the way you could have said all that in one post, :D
That's because I haven't talked to you. Dragon needs to talk to Spok4 about a Avatar.
I did a 10K run and my # was 666, I was afraid I would break my leg or get a heart attack, That was 10 years ago. One of thoes things that stays in the back of your mind.
Originally posted by Bucky Badger@May 11 2003, 02:19 PM
I did a 10K run and my # was 666, I was afraid I would break my leg or get a heart attack, That was 10 years ago. One of thoes things that stays in the back of your mind.
Hay Bucky that way if you were running along beside someone you could have triped then. And said the devil made you do it. :D :D
In high school my boyfriends phone number started with 666- I always hated it.
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