The farmer and the horse



An old mountain farmer named Hugh Abernathy found himself a widower after many years when his beloved wife Betsy passed away. All the kids were grown and married with families of their own, so Hugh decided to take the first real vacation he had ever been on.

After talking with some other farmers who had gone places before, Hugh decided to go to Ireland. He bought his plane ticket and made his reservations, packed his bags, and departed on his adventure.

All went well on the plane ride over the Atlantic Ocean, and he made it to his hotel in one piece. Hugh looked around the village that afternoon, and happened across a poster advertising guided tours of the Irish countryside. That sounded like fun to Hugh, so he found the nearest telephone and arranged for a tour the following day.

During the tour, Hugh managed to get himself separated from the rest of the group. Never short on confidence, he took off walking down the road thinking he would eventually find the group. He came across an Irish farmer struggling with a horse in a field. Always the friendly sort, Hugh hollered and asked the man if he needed any help.

"This horse is stubborn as a mule," the man answered. "I can't get him down to the creek to drink some water."

Hugh climbed through the fence and walked up to the animal. He began patting its neck and cooing in its ear, and in a few minutes the horse began to walk toward the small stream and drank from it.

"That's amazing," the man said. "Let me pay you for helping me with that old nag."

"'Twarnt nothin," replied Hugh. "I been a-workin with hosses my whole life. Just have to sweet talk 'em sometimes."

The man was adamant that he reward Hugh in some way, so Hugh asked the man if he had something to drink.

"Aye, do I ever me bonny good man. Me own home brew no less. I'd be pleased to share a pint with ye of m'own beer, Himmake's. No finer brew will ye ever taste."

The two men walk to the small farmhouse, and the Irishman opens a bottle of his home made beer and offers it to Hugh. He takes one sip, and spits it all over the floor. "That's terrible. You actually drink this stuff?"

"Aye, me good man. It's the recipe me own fadder passed down to me when I was a wee lad."

"Well, it tastes like pond water, and I ain't about to drink it."

So Himmake pulled out a pistol and shot him dead.

The moral of the story: Hugh can lead a horse to water, but he can't drink Himmake's.
I really like puns, but this one is sooooooooooo bad (how bad is it Whizzer???).......................
it is such a lousy pun you couldn't even have it with morning coffee. :rolleyes:
I was actually starting to enjoy the story...when abruptly ended. :angry: :wacko: ^_^

Pretty lousy for an ending. :dual9mm: :cuckoo:
It reminds me of the story of old Benny---who made that unfortunate deal with the devil.

What deal with the devil,97? You could ask that...and if you would give me a second I would explain:

Seems like old Benny was a really clever type of guy, a con man type, thought he could outsmart most anyone.

So old Benny done as all folks in these stories do:

He called old Scratch himself and made a little proposition to him.

"Hey, uh---Devil"(for lack of a better handle)what say youse and me(Yes..Benny was from Jersey) makes us a little deal?"

So---and no one knows exactly what ol' Ben offered ol' Scratch, but the fact is SOME sorta deal was made.

The Devil agreed to whatever it was.......but the old fallen one can be pretty tricky himself.

"Ok, Benny...but dis( also from Jersey) is what gonna happen if youse don't win..."

Ominous, eh?

Seems Benny was required on HIS end only one simple thing:

Yep. Grow a beard and never shave it off. Now how hard could that be?

But Lucifer had a catch...if old Benny slipped up and and shaved his beard....into the 'Devil's vase---(up in Jersey they call 'em 'urn's') from hell he would go. Yep. INTO THE URN FROM HELL!! :unsure:

So Benny kept his end for years..and years...and years. Still not revealing WHAT he and the Horned one had agreed on. Man---did that beard ever get LONG...

Anyway, as so often happens along comes Ms. Right! Oh yeah, she really was too! Curvacious, flirtatious and someothervacious.

She was just about perfect...except for ONE little flaw.

You guessed it---allergic to hair. Damn the ever-loving luck. :( Remember that whole deal with the devil thing, right?

Poor Benny...the best he could hope for was that Satan was to preoccupied supplying Ryan Newman illegal traction-control devices to remember their little 'wager'.

So taking a good look at the soon to be Ms. Benny in all her glory....

Off comes the beard,man!

Instantly, as bad luck for Benny would have it, an alarm went off down in hell!

"Hey boss...dat guy done shaved off his beard "!Said demon number 356,987!

"Dont worry demon number 356,987! I will take care o'it!"

Which he did....much to the misfortune of old Benny. :(

ZAP!!! The lightning from hell struck. Thats it...into the hell-urn went Benny. Sad story....but one with a moral:

A BENNY SHAVED---IS A BENNY URNED. Remember that folks. ;)
Ah yes. And a tip o the hat to ye 97Forever.

It sure beat the one EMP posted.

I must offer this bit of praise as your pun was clever, and enjoyable.

And as an additional accolade, mention you must either hold or be in the top running of the dubiously distinction of taking four hundred words to say what normally takes others (yes, even those born and raised in Joisey) one- hundred- fifty words to say.
Talk about long winded people !!!!
Tell me Clark, have you ever considered politics ????
Oh well, as for the implausible distinction mentioned earlier,

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!! :cheers:
Well, old Hardscrabble did once tell me I might be more effective if I used his K.I.S.S* method of replying. I never did practice doing that it seems.

Usually, and you can ask Dee, for instance, I get right to the point. Waste no words and no time.

I admit, when I was younger, I tended to 'ramble' a bit. Fortunately, I outgrew it.As you have probably noticed.

So these days, I will jump on, give a two or three word response and be on my happy way. Which of course, is what I am doing right now.

I now know to keep it short and to the point....much as Hardscrabble advised. But one thing for certain on here: I am never repetitive. Nor do I repeat my self. Thats something I dont do is repeat myself.

Nope, I never do that.

But anyhow , Whiz...thanks for pointing out my obvious inclination to 'overtype'. I no longer do that ,thankfully.As you noticed, I bet.

Anyway, just wanted to give these couple of words in response to what you noted above.

NOTICE carefully in the future how brief and effective I am Whiz. ;)

:cheers: :cheers: ;)
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