The hiker who cut-off his arm



Did you guys hear about that hiker who cut-off part of his right arm to save his life? This guy had to break his arm in 2 places to be able to cut through his arm to get it out from under a boulder. He then repelled himself 150 feet or so and then hiked for miles after he did it. I'm not sure if I have ever heard a bigger display of testicular fortitude than this. How tough do you have to be to cut your own arm off? What had to go through his mind while he was doing that? He deserves some kind of award for toughness, like I don't know Man of the Year or something. Lets hear it for Lefty! :salute:
I'm not thinkin' I could have done that either, but I've never been in that situation. If it was a matter of life and death, I might have tried it, but I don't really know if I could have gone through with it.
I am pretty sure that I would never have done that! :eek:
I would have just used my cell phone to call for help. I would say thats a lot eaiser than sawing my own arm off.
I am such a wuss :p I could never do it. He deserves a round of applause...let's give him a hand. :eek: Sorry couldn't resist.
That was bad, Dee. :eek:

That guy is amazing to be able to cut his own hand/arm off. I really can't say what I would do if I was in the same position as he was.
Okay I know it was bad sorry, but it's no worse than 4X calling him Lefty! :p
Originally posted by DeeDee@May 12 2003, 05:59 PM
Okay I know it was bad sorry, but it's no worse than 4X calling him Lefty! :p
I wasn't sure if anyone would catch the "Lefty" thing :p
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@May 12 2003, 02:07 PM
I wasn't sure if anyone would catch the "Lefty" thing :p
:D Though you got away with it huh? :p
Originally posted by bud_stud@May 14 2003, 02:56 AM
I'd still be laying there..
I'm with you on this one. Maybe he thought if he laid there long enough he would be killed by some kind of wildlife. Better to die tryin' I guess, but OUCH!
Ya see that kid that jumped off the roof into a pool and crushed his legs?
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