Tennessee Racing
Formerly Stewart Fan
They gave Larry The Cable guy his own TV show Now it's not about if you like the guy or not but............Just WHY give him a show on there?
Because they ran out of stuff on Hitler...for now.
Glenn Beck stole all their Hitler videos.
Because they ran out of stuff on Hitler...for now. Plus they already gave the guy who fixes stuff for the guy on Pawn Stars a show who else do they have? OH I GOT ONE...Monster Quest in Life after people
You mean the guy from Count's Customs or what ever it is?
http://www.ricksrestorations.com/ this is the same guy?
Ugh, I tried to watch it, and I just can't. Larry's voice is just.....grating. Maybe if he actually talked in his normal voice it'd be watchable.
I guess telling really bad jokes in a fake "southern" accent gets you a TV show.
Maybe he went back to his original accent, I'm from Texas and have spent my life trying not to sound like I'm from Texas. At one point I sounded like I was a news caster.
I tried to watch that show last night and I thought it was stupid. I doubt it will get a 2nd season.
Considering he was born in Nebraska, I don't think the Git-er-dun accent is his original accent
I'm not sure where he came from but I wish he would go back and stay.
I'm not sure where he came from but I wish he would go back and stay.
Hey Bill Elliott was on Larry's first show, It wasn't that bad.
I watched Chase go toe to toe with Kyle Bush last summer up here in Michigan last summer. The kid can drive.
Maybe he went back to his original accent, I'm from Texas and have spent my life trying not to sound like I'm from Texas. At one point I sounded like I was a news caster.
I tried to watch that show last night and I thought it was stupid. I doubt it will get a 2nd season.
Long before there was a character called Larry the Cable Guy a lesbian friend of mine in Fl. would say that when on her way out to score some new tail.
I'm not sure where he came from but I wish he would go back and stay.