The most common 16 child lures are:


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
Child molesters and abductors have many methods to lure a child. The most common 16 child lures are:
#1) Affection Lure Most child abuse happens at the hand of someone the child knows and trusts. Pedophiles exploit that trust to take advantage of tensions in the child or teen?s family, like divorce, alcoholism or neglect.

#2) Pet Lure Children love animals. Many child predators will ask children to help look for their lost puppy or kitty. Parents must warn their children of this lure and let the kids no there is no lost animal.

#3) Assistance Lure Using an assistance lure predators will ask children for help with directions or help carrying something. Teach your children that adults usually ask adults for help, not children. The best defense against the assistance lure is for kids to pretend they do not hear the person and quickly leave the area.

#4) Authority Lure Pedophiles in a power position, coach, clergy, scout leader, relative, etc. take advantage of their positions. Make sure your children know it is illegal for adults to touch them in their bathing suit zone.

#5) Bribery Lure Pedophiles will use gifts, like candy, toys, electronics, drugs, money, to get a child to willingly go with them, or they will use the gifts as a reward to keep the abuse secret or to keep the child tolerating the abuse.

#6) Emergency Lure Predators will fake a crisis to trick kids and teens into willingly going with them. For example, they will tell the child, "Your father has been hurt and is in the hospital. I've been sent to take you to him."

#7) Fun and Games Lure Pedophiles will, at times, create games using restraints, such as handcuffs, ropes, duct tape, which can keep a child from protecting themselves or escaping their captor.

#8) Hero Lure Molesters will exploit a child by making them believe something bad will happen to someone they see as a hero, a parent, a teacher, coach, relative or celebrity. Children may endure repeated abuse to keep a hero out of trouble, or maintain a friendship.

#9) Name Recognition Lure Marking a child's clothing, backpacks and other belongings can be dangerous. Pedophiles can read the nametag and call out the child's name, creating a false sense of familiarly.

#10) Companion/Playmate Lure Child molesters often use their home as a lure, decorating it with party supplies, toys, sporting goods, etc. Many times, they will create an environment of anything goes, which can be appealing to children.

#11) Fame and Ego Lure Sex offenders will offer a child or teen an audition or private tryout to get them to keep the abuse secret.

#12) Online and Computer Lure Online predators lure children through chat rooms, emails and social websites. Through these avenues, a pedophile can learn a child's personal information and arrange a private meeting. Make sure your kids know to never post their personal information online. Like where they live, go to school or work.

#13) Threats and Weapons Lure Pedophiles may use violence and intimidation to force children and teens to cooperate with the abuse, or stay silent about the abuse. They'll use an "it's my word against yours" approach.

#14) Job Lure The job lure is a danger to older teens, even college students. The young adults are lured by an offer of a high-paying, interesting job. The sex offender will typically set up fake interview in secluded places to abuse or abduct their subject. These fake jobs are typically advertised with only a P.O. Box.

#15) Pornography Lure Child predators often use pornography to set the stage for abuse. Adolescents are often curious about sex and it is not difficult to hold their attention with pornographic material.

#16) Drug Lure Sex offenders will at times use drugs and alcohol to lure and incapacitate a child into abuse.
That is some good information there K5.

As parents, we have to make sure our kids are aware at all times of people who don't have their best interests at heart. I can't understand what would make someone want to hurt a child, but unfortunately people like that are everywhere. I've run into a few pretty shady people on the internet already.
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