favoritism doesn't equal fix...
a fix is when the outcome is already known, which would be practically impossible in winston cup.
favoritism does seem to happen, however. when a rule is applied one way for some drivers but a different way for other drivers, such as the yellow line incident, or when one team has to pack up early for not meeting the minimum hight requirement after qualifying yet we've seen race winners keep their victories even though their car was too low.
when dodge first got into nascar and they hadn't won yet, nascar determined they were at a disadvantage and let them change the front end, but took that equalizer/advantage away as soon as they won one race...i've never understood how that was anything other than helping dodge get their first win, if nascar felt dodges were at a disadvantage with the old nose, why did they make them go all the way back to the original nose after they won? if they felt that they were just too generous, why didn't they cut back just a bit? in essence they said 'the original nose is a disadvantage, but now that you've won a race we don't care if you have a disadvantage.'
more bad judgement calls...penalizing the leader of the race for pulling next to a slower car after the driver spun his wheels...nascar enforcing a gentlemen's agreement and giving 2 drivers a lap back...nascar letting a car go aroung for several laps with big pieces of metal hanging off the car at about tire level, until a yellow let him take care of it without losing a lap...
but nascar's stupidity is bigger than their inconsistancy and favoritism. one of the problems many drivers, especially the bigger ones, complain about is that the driver's compartment is too cramped...another thing that many fans and drivers don't like is aero-push...yet another thing is the restrictor plates are too restrictive and take away throttle response. there are remedies for these problems, such as making the 'greenhouses' bigger and changing the shape of the cars to lower the amount of downforce generated...which might not make aero-push and restrictor plates go away, but would let mechical grip come into play more and allow for bigger openings on the plates. but when nascar decided to switch towards more common templates, and every team had to hang new bodies, they made the front ends even more slanted and didn't do anything to create more room for the drivers. they had a chance to improve safety and competition and blew it.
there's talk that next year they are gonna take dates away from some tracks, citing that poor attendance and a growing fan base mean that the dates are going to have to be shuffled...well, if ticket prices weren't so freaking high the existing tracks wouldn't have such a problem selling out. some people might argue that lowering the ticket prices would lead to less money, but even if the fact that more people would be spending slightly less money to see the races would lead to lower revenues from ticket sales, concession sales and souvenir sales would increase, advertising rates would increase, and the amount of money the hosting cities would generate from services and taxes would increase. there is no doubt that some of the dates need to change around, but there is no really good reason to make some of the best tracks on the circuit one race a year tracks just to run more races at 1.5 mile tri-ovals.
now, what does all this other stuff have to do with the yellow line rule, or fixes in general? it's simple. if nascar was just screwing up every now and then, or on just one or two things, i would be able to just accept it. but the pattern of inconsistancy and the amount of stuff they've been screwing up, along with the heavily biased tv broadcasts, finally made this fan throw in the towel and convert to being an irl fan.
how many of the new fans will continue being fans once they start seeing bad patterns emerging? nascar is screwing up by putting new fans and expansion before the old, loyal fans.
...anyways, the ultimate fix for the yellow line rule would be for the competitors to start obeying it 100%...if nobody went below the yellow line for any reason, and instead just hit anybody that came down into them, there would be so many wrecks that nascar would have to do something...oh wait, i'm being absurd...nascar wants the wrecks, which is why they would never consider giving the roof spoilers another shot after one "boring" race, yet continue to use a rules package that tends to result in a 20+ car pile-up every time they play race at dega and tona. the supposed purpose of the rule is to make racing safer, but it gives the drivers a way to force someone to either back off or be penalized when they block them...and leads to subjective rulings by nascar which do more harm then good by sending mixed signals to the fans and more importantly the drivers as to what they're supposed to do when they want to avoid a wreck.
**for those of you who might visit other boards, i'm also known as 4z (i had to have 3 or more letters here, so i used forZ, which is really the same thing and not a name change), and used to be known as 4pontiac...and ChevyFanvsDE&JG a long time ago before i found out how bad of a problem bashing was...for those that might not have crossed paths with me before, i've been watching nascar for most of my almost 30 years on this planet (i went to my first stock car race the first saturday after i left the newborn nursery, or so i am told), but threw in the towel after the 'dega race, for many reasons, not just the one bad call. i'm addicted to racing, but i've been upset more than happy by the end of the many hours of nascar i've watched each week this year, and i've been critical of nascar as a sanctioning body for many years. i still like the drivers, and i'll be following nascar for that reason, but i'm not watching qualifying, practice, happy hour, busch, busch practice, and the cup race every weekend like i used to...last weekend i saw about 30 laps total, including the last lap (after missing laps 491-499), and i somehow survived...when i got to work and i told a coworker i didn't watch the whole race, he said he could tell because i wasn't upset.
there is often skeptism when someone new comes in to a board...but i'm sure there are many people here that 'know' me (cyber-speaking), including tiny...i came over to this set of boards for the irl board, but figured i'd see what's up on all of them.**