The new server


Team Owner
Apr 30, 2002
I have been experience problems getting on the forums a lot in the last month or so. (Again this morning) I have talked to other members and know it is not just me. I am assuming it all relates to the new server. Just wanted to see what if you guys know what is going on.
I cant speak for Dee's problem,but on my end it is OFTEN that the page wont load...says simply something like 'connection failed'.It may be just for us dial-up users,I dont know.But whatever the reason,it happens a LOT more frequently now than it did before the change.In fact,I cant recall it ever happening before the server change.
I too am getting the connection failed message and a server down message. Next time I get it I will pay closer attention to what it says and let you know.
well i can verify the server hasnt been down but once since we moved. Now we have had a couple of times where the database went screwie and had to be rebuilt. But yea if you can post what its telling you we'll look into it and see if maybe there is some other type of problem.
The web site you have requested may be experiencing technical difficulties due to a busy or broken server.

Please try again by clicking the Reload icon on your navigation bar or, if that doesn't work, you may want to return to the site at a later time.

504 Connection Timed Out
That is what I go tthis time....three times before I got on..usually its a lot more.
Hope that helps.
I got the same excact message in addition to a 'no route to host' just about the same time as Dee.
The message I got this time stated there are too many poeple accessing this page....
Sometimes I have Cannot find server. But then again thats like 1 in every 50 something posts for me.
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