The Points.


DE Wrangler 2

I was browsing a few minutes ago looking at the points after Pocono. I noticed something interesting......and besides, it's too serious in here tonight!!:) Jimmy Spencer is 23 in the points. But, remember he failed to make the show at the Daytona 500 this year so he has only 19 races to everyone else's 20. I did an average for the points he gets per race......that is a little more than 101 points. He has 1926 points after 19 races and is 23rd to guys with 20 races........add his average of 101 and he would be 2027!! Another way of looking at it is he's 810 points behind Sterling.......subtract the 101 and he'd be 709 points behind. Looking at the points of the drivers ahead of him, he would fall somewhere between Terry Labonti and Elloitt Sadler. Either 17th or 18th in points........that's top 20!!:) I know it's all a "what if" but, hey think about it.......he's doing okay. Better than a lot of others in the field. for the fun!:D Tell me what you think.:D
I think my head is spinning!No seriously,I will only say this once and very fast:Spencercanactuallydriveprettygoodwhenheapplieshimself!Always a lot of fun to watch,one of his biggest problems has been the teams he was stuck with.IMO,he stayed with Travis Carter waaaaay to long.He ran pretty fair back when he drove for Johnson.
Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy, What can I say? When he missed the show at Daytona, it was a hearbreaker. Id bet he ate extra Donuts that night. Now If he had those 101 pts he would have beaten Bill Elliott for the 02 championship.
........My look to the future
I agree 97...........the more I watch him the more I like him. This Spencer business started as a joke between sgbg and me, but you watch him and read a little about him, you find out he's really pretty good. He takes the jokes about his memory very well and I'm sure he knows about the jokes about the donuts too.....don't be surprised if he doesn't say something funny about that too.
If he had not hit all those Krispy Kream Donut Drive Thru's He might be right on Target for a top 10.Jimmy is looking at the paycheck on a weekly bases,not a Winston Cup Trophy.:)
Originally posted by pbunch
If he had not hit all those Krispy Kream Donut Drive Thru's He might be right on Target for a top 10.Jimmy is looking at the paycheck on a weekly bases,not a Winston Cup Trophy.:)

You might be right pb.......but if he ever got within striking distance of a Cup title (by accident or on purpose) you better watch out!!:D
I actually think it's interesting that the driver that didn't make the Daytona 500 is ahead in points of the guy who won it.
Jimmy Spencer in striking distance? hah... the only thing he is in striking distance of is another lost ride if he doesn't fix up. Dont get me wrong, he's a good driver.. but come on, everytime something happens to him, he starts the blame game!

(and Spencer goes 15 laps down behind the leader Dale Jr)
Spencer at an interview after the race: "Yeah, we had a good car, and we had a killer shot of winning if it wasn't for that damn Dale Jr who put us 15 laps down. Jimmy Spencer never forgets!!"

He forgets like 2 minutes after that!
I know that DE2 and I love to kid about Jimmy, but I agree he can drive a race car. When I watch the races I watch to see how he's doing, because I know he can be a threat when he's running good. He knows how to get the most out of his car and watch out when he's up front.:) But like Bud stud, he seems to blame everybody but himself right after it happens, then applogizes the next day. Once would be ok, he does this all the time!
I've always liked Spencer. He's Dale Earnhardt without the grin. Amazes me how many Earnhardt fans criticize him for doing the same crap Dale did. But so goes allegience.
good for yall jimmy lovers, i personally don't like him, and thats that, and another thing its pretty sad that shawna made the race but he didnt :) hehe
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