The pot calling the kettle black


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
Bill blasts 'political mess' by W


Former President Bill Clinton double-dissed President Bush last night, saying his successor in the White House has bungled handling the U.S. economy and the crisis over Iraq.

Clinton, who drew standing ovations from a packed auditorium at the 92nd Street Y on the upper East Side, criticized the administration's economic policies as "wrongheaded" and getting worse.

He said the 2001 tax cut turned the surplus he left into a "massive deficit" that he predicted eventually will drive up interest rates and create problems paying for Medicare and Social Security.

"And now they want to give another tax cut," he told the audience of more than 1,000. "It doesn't make sense. We shouldn't do it now. It's against arithmetic."

Asked what would have happened if he was still President or if Al Gore had taken the White House, Clinton said that the economy would have slowed, but added: "Would it have been as bad as it is now? I don't think so."

On the issue of Iraq, Clinton said he supports booting dictator Saddam Hussein out of Baghdad and destroying his weapons, but he said Bush has made it more difficult to line up international cooperation for a possible war.

Right after winning UN Security Council support in November for weapons inspections, the White House "sent 150,000 troops to the gulf, which convinced everybody we weren't serious about UN inspections. That's how we got into this political mess."

The U.S. should be strengthening the UN and other "mechanisms of cooperation," Clinton said. "We need to be creating a world that we would like to live in when we're not the biggest power on the block."

The article
Of course he's saying that, because Clinton is lobbying to get Kofi Anon's job. Clinton want's to be head of the UN. Why do you think he's started all the sweatheart deals with China and North Korea?
You've got that right. And all the while he looks like a saint to the liberals that think he's all about "world peace". When all he's really about is world domination, his world domination.
Bill Clinton......a fine upstanding, moral citizen..... :flushed:

Perhaps he could be the next ambassador to France. :cuckoo:
I'm constantly amazed that people actually listen to this jackass. Another forum I am active in has lots of Clinton supporters. They have every excuse for what he has done in the past. Yet when you ask the simple question, who would you want in office today? Bill Clinton or George Bush, Jr.? They pretend the question was never asked. Hmmmm.

In my eyes, Bill is evil. Hillary is no different. We'll see what daughter dearest turns out to be. Looking like a cooperate token right now.
He still has his supporters. They say love is blind, but it seems to me politics are more blind than love is. Many people fail to see flaws in politicians of their own party. Or simply dismiss them because they feel they are still better than having the other party in there. I know George Bush has made some mistakes, but at least I feel he is trying to do what is best for our country. I really never got that impression from Billary. They seemed more like career politicians simply trying to do what was best for them. How else do you explain risking the integrity of the Office of the President for a 5 minute hummer from a huge intern? Or the Whitewater scandal? Or the Gennifer Flowers thing? Or Troopergate? Or the treason he commited with the Chinese? Or.....?
Hmmmm......... :p


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Yeh Clinton is a power sucking tyrant, he is nothing but bad news to this whole situation. He would like nothing more than to be the head of the UN, however, there is 1 person standing in the way of that...George W! No way the President will let Clinton, as powerful as he is, get control of the UN, just isn't going to happen. Good vs. Evil, and Good will win,Clinton in my mind has been the wrong doing of the moral integrity of this country, not to mention the economic woes which were instituted under his reign. What goes around comes around , won't be long before Clinton gets knocked down a few pegs!
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