The second caution caused by

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Team Owner
Feb 7, 2003
Leander, TEXAS
Robby Gordon has put him out of the race. The first caution he caused was a one car spin luckly not hitting anyone else. This second caution he caused was from him blowing an engine.
we all saw the race, no need rob it in :D
Robby Gordon has put him out of the race. The first caution he caused was a one car spin luckly not hitting anyone else. This second caution he caused was from him blowing an engine.

Why are you always hating on Robby Gordon?
Betsy, I was just wondering how it's going in the courts. Does it look like you'll be able to get that child support that Robby owes you? People here just don't understand what it's like to have a dead beat dad that is on TV all the time... ;)
Now that is funny BP! The story is I just got tired of all the hoopla about Robby. Week after week there were posts about how wonderful the guy was. And all the time what I saw was zackly the opposite. I'm pretty sure if he was as good as some seem to think he would have an offer to drive for someone that could help him get to the front.
But no! He builds himself up to be the worlds answer to driving.. And never seems to cut it does he?
If any other driver caused two yellow flags they would be the talk of this forum...but it was ROBBY so no one would speak up.. I took it upon myself.
I don't think week after week there were posts about how Robby was great.

Take upon yourself and stop this crap.
Now that is funny BP! The story is I just got tired of all the hoopla about Robby. Week after week there were posts about how wonderful the guy was. And all the time what I saw was zackly the opposite. I'm pretty sure if he was as good as some seem to think he would have an offer to drive for someone that could help him get to the front.
But no! He builds himself up to be the worlds answer to driving.. And never seems to cut it does he?
If any other driver caused two yellow flags they would be the talk of this forum...but it was ROBBY so no one would speak up.. I took it upon myself.

Pleeeease. Hey, Betsy, Farmer John called. He wants to know why you're on his farm beating his dead horse. :D
If Betsy spent as much time doing anything else as much as she spends bad mouthing Robby Gordon, we'd have an expert on our hands. Unfortunately, we just have an expert blowhard. The only problem is that most blowhards brag about how good they are instead of how bad someone else is. You might be good at running smear campaigns for elections.
I don't think week after week there were posts about how Robby was great.

Take upon yourself and stop this crap.

I think Robby Gordon is a great driver. That said, I do see one person posting about Robby week after week, that would be Betsy.
As brilliant as this person thinks these actions may be, all they've PROVED to everyone reading is just how totally clueless and ignorant they really are. There's a couple problems with such ignorance, #1 the ignorant person thinks they're so smart, while the rest of the world sees the naked unadultarated truth, a knuckle dragging nieanderthal. #2 The ignorant person gets mad if someone calls them stupid, but in reality Stupid is better, Stupid can be fixed by teaching, but ignorance is permanent.
And, EVERYONE that has replied to Betsy in this thread has fallen right into her trap.
Kat... He should read his OWN sig! Did you read what he posted in another thread?....:rolleyes:

Majestyx... :D
Betsy :rolleyes:
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