The sky is not blue

Originally posted by paul
Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

Ok, if you say so...
YOU'RE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's black depending on where you are. It could be blue if you are on the other side of the world. So technically no one is wrong, cause the sky could be any color, it just depends on where you are.
What if you're color blind?



I think i got you there... hehe
Originally posted by fergy1370
You're right...right now its black.

And this isn't a racing subject.

^^^^^^^^ Brown-noser!!!!!!!!!!!

According to the guy on the F1 computer racing game:

The Sun Is Shining and the Skys are Blue :D
no Paul, i think you are up to six... doh... i disagreed again....
Good night, all. It's been fun, as usual... :)

And, yes, of course you ARE right, Paul. The sky is blue. And all is well in the world tonight...
Originally posted by Ciggie
It's black depending on where you are.  It could be blue if you are on the other side of the world.  So technically no one is wrong, cause the sky could be any color, it just depends on where you are.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SHOW-OFF!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Paul, you make sense of this messed up world

oh wait i disagreed with myself from earlier, i want to ban myself now, for being such an arguer
Originally posted by fergy1370
Calling me a name? You new title is hereby placed upon you as



I am going to ban TRL and HS for not coming in here and banning us.
It wasn't a joke, Paul, meant it. ban him. and me!
well the sky was grey today becuase it rained so your wrong
wait, if i agree with you banning me, then i'm not disagreeing with you, and then you can't ban me!!!

Ah hah, a way around the system.
Actually, it isn't blue. It's an optical illusion created by ozone and OH CRAP I JUST GOT MYSELF BANNED!!!
Dang, Paul...there won't be anyone left but you and me.......

I'm gonna ban you before you ban me.
Originally posted by rpmallen
wait, if i agree with you banning me, then i'm not disagreeing with you, and then you can't ban me!!!

Ah hah, a way around the system.


ohoh... I'm banning myself for laughing at rpmallen

Originally posted by fergy1370
Dang, Paul...there won't be anyone left but you and me.......

I'm gonna ban you before you ban me.

You're already banned.

Tonight is "Get a free ban" night at the old Racing Forums Corral! Come on down and get your own free ban!
I am selling a GET OUT OF BEING BANNED FREE CARD if anyone wants it...
Originally posted by rpmallen
The sky is pink and Waltrip is God. No arguement here.

I'm calling Al Gore and having you banned from the entire internet.
OH NO, Not the inventor of the internet himself!!!!! Nooooo.....
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