The violence of Hip Hop


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
A week ago, here in Winston Salem, a cop was shot and killed in the parking lot of a local club. Judging from the title of this thread, one might assume that the club as something of a hip hop club. Nothing could be further from the truth, in that the club, the Red Rooster, is a country and western themed club. So why the title of this thread? Glad you asked. This club is normally closed on Thursdays but last Thursday, the owner granted an entertainment company the use (rental) of the club for a hip hop concert. The company who sponsored the event, sent flyers out to Winston Salem State University here in Winston Salem, a historically black university. The event would appear to be a huge success as the attendence here for this event in this venue was more than 400 people.

Near the end of the event, with only minutes to go before the club was to close down, fights broke out inside the club. The club hired ten bouncers to help quell the violence on the inside and had four off duty sheriff deputy's on the outside. The fights inside continued to grow with chairs being thrown and pepper spray being sprayed about everywhere. Because most, I repeat, most of the people had been scanned for weapons before the entered the club, it was assumed that those inside the club were at least safe from gun fire. But wait, they were herded outside where the deputies were in charge. Though there were still a bunch of kids that couldn't get outside, the majority did leave the building but the fighting only escalated outside. Some of the kids even began to tussle with the deputies, and then one of the bouncers decided that if he fired a shot in the air, that would get the attention of the kids. Yeah, that did the trick and the next shot was into the neck of one of Winston Salem's finest who had responded to the melee. To make a long story short, the officer died and the hunt was on for his killer. Five days later, they arrested a 22 year old WSSU student for first degree murder.

Okay, so much for that will play out in the courts. The point of this thread is Hip Hop. It seems that the owner of this club, remember, it's a country and western club, had been the owner of a club in Charlotte back in 1999 in which a parton was killed. Before that, the owner was the co-owner of a club in 1995 in which two people were killed at one of his clubs. After 1999, he said that he was finished with Hip Hop (both of those clubs were hip hop oriented) and moved to Winston Salem to open a country western music club. Though they did have many calls to the police, it wasn't until the owner rented the place for a hip hop event that a killing occured. I guess this guy just doesn't learn from his own experiences. Now, with all of that learned, the city is trying to close the club down for good.

I read earlier this week that hip hop music is taking a dive in sales, especially amoung blacks. Here's an article that is similar http:// but it doesn't show what the original article showed...most of today's hip hop music is being bought by young white kids. My question is why aren't the young white kids playing out the violence in the hip hop music like the young black kids? I know this is a society problem and it isn't going to be easily fixed, but we must get to the bottom of the whole thing before we are forced to separate the youths in certain venues. This won't work here in the US, but it's clear that something has to be done. Mabye with the blacks declining to purchase said music, well, is that really the answer?
It depends on what music they replace it with.
When the lyrics are about violence and degradation it's really not a stretch for the listeners to be sucked into that world.
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