Ever wonder the birth names of your favorite actors / actresses / entertainers of other fields??
Well wonder no more! Simply go to the site below, and you can find
out. At least, for most of your major performers -- musicians, actors &
actresses, even the ones who aren't too talented!! LOL
ChangedNames.com - Real Names of Celebrities http://www.changednames.com/
Simply copy the changednames.com/ address into your browser,
and hit GO! It is very interesting! I stopped counting at the second
page, but approximately 8 had used names close to their "birth names."
Amazing, isn't it?? Boris Karloff wasn't Boris at all!! LOL Nor was Bela
Lugosi named Lugosi. Which may explain why his accent was not at all
Italian or Hispanic.
Well wonder no more! Simply go to the site below, and you can find
out. At least, for most of your major performers -- musicians, actors &
actresses, even the ones who aren't too talented!! LOL
ChangedNames.com - Real Names of Celebrities http://www.changednames.com/
Simply copy the changednames.com/ address into your browser,
and hit GO! It is very interesting! I stopped counting at the second
page, but approximately 8 had used names close to their "birth names."
Amazing, isn't it?? Boris Karloff wasn't Boris at all!! LOL Nor was Bela
Lugosi named Lugosi. Which may explain why his accent was not at all
Italian or Hispanic.