There have been BETTER nights

It's been quiet all day Kat, I guess everyones off enjoying the holidays, hopefully they'll drop in at least once or twice.
Yep it's been pretty slow. I went off and came back 40 min latter and no one had posted nothing. Slow. -_-
I am here off and on guys. Dee is doing the holiday thing at home, I think Maj is headed home to Nashville. Not sure where Bowtie is.
Regardless, it's been an eventful past few days here on Racing-Forums

> Happy29 reaches 'Legend' Status

> Old Ironhead is still talking to himself in the corner

> Rajflyboy is behaving himself

> The Thread Killer still hasnt been killed yet

> Jennifer A. probably gets the boot in HCS

Wow... some pretty big stuff there.
Hey I am here gang. Just finishin gup the last minute Holiday things. My daughter and I made chocolate covered pretzels and peanut butter cookies tonight. Ya'll will have to ask 97 how they turned out.
I want a chocolate covered pretzel. MMMM...chocolate covered pretzels.
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