They can't pay



Parents of sailboatgirl say they can't pay the $300,000 the Aussie govt says it spent rescuing their daughter. I just wonder how they could afford the boat and outfitting it for a around this world solo cruise?

FWIW Wiki says the 2000 median family income where they live is $99,870, a house $700,000 and a one bed apartment is $1200 to $1800 a month.

In 1978bk (before kids) my wife and I visited there as that's where she grew up. Definately a very upscale community. Yes I married up, waaay up.:)

Talk of a book deal and selling the movie rights. Then the Aussie's should get what they spent plus interest.
It's always been my position that people like this should have to post a rescue bond before undertaking such an endeavour ... or no rescue should ever be attempted. They don't take the dead off Everest, why should this be any different. You want to hike the Appalachian trail? Secure your rescue, or don't expect any. Solo flight across the country? Flight insurance is a must. Sorry, but I don't see it was the taxpayer's burden to save your ass from self inflicted stupidity. You wanted the challenge, the thrill? you got it in spades. Deal with it.
From the pics I saw of her boat, there looked to be commercial sponsors' stickers all over it. That could explain how they were able to afford the boat, etc.

Prof, I agree with you about trip insurance. If you're going to do something like this, you should have to post a bond.
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