
Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
This is worth reading. It's short and to the point. Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions during election years.

Since most of us have paid into FICA for years and are now, or will be, receiving a Social Security check every month -- and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the federal government to "put away," you may be interested in the following: Q: Which party took Social Security from an independent fund and put it in the general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which party put a tax on Social Security?
A: The Democratic party.

Q: Which party increased the tax on Social Security?
A: The Democratic Party with Al Gore casting the deciding vote.
Q: Which party decided to give SS money to immigrants?

A: That's right, immigrants move into this country and at 65 get SSI Social Security. The Democratic Party gave that to them although they never paid a dime into it. Then, after doing all this, the Democrats turn around and tell you the Republicans want to take your Social Security. And the worst part about it is, people believe it!

This must be an issue in "04." Please! Keep it going. SOCIAL SECURITY FOR CONGRESS:

Our Senators and Congress men & women do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not collect from it.
You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they should have a special plan for themselves. So, many years ago they voted in their own benefit plan.
In more recent years, no congress person has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan.
For all practical purposes their plan works like this:
When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die, except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments.
For example, former Senator Byrd and Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that's Seven Million, Eight-Hundred Thousand Dollars), with their wives drawing $275,000.00 during the last years of their lives.
This is calculated on an average life span for each. Their cost for this excellent plan is $00.00. Nada. Zilch.
This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pick up the tab for this plan. The funds for this fine retirement plan come directly from the General Funds-our tax dollars at work! From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into-every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer) --we can expect to get an average $1,000 per month after retirement. Or, in other words, we would have to collect our average of $1,000. monthly benefits for 68 years and one (1) month to equal Senator Bill Bradley's benefits!

Social Security could be very good if only one small change were made. That change would be to jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen. Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us ... then sit back and watch how fast they would fix it.

If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe good changes will evolve.

I, Kat, received this from a dear friend. I have considered myself an Independant all my voting life and voted the issues, not the canidate, and I was raised in a staunch Democratic environment. BUT.... now I'll be paying a LOT closer attention!
That's what i is always the republicans fault if you are a democrat.
It must be pretty easy being a liberal. Simply put you are in favor of anything unless a republican thinks it is a good idea. Pretty simple huh?
Not a lib per se,I just wanted someone to repesent the other side. :) :dual9mm:

White House Wins Fight Over Overtime Pay Rules
Nov 21, 2003 8:20 pm US/Central
WASHINGTON (AP) Foes of the Bush administration's proposed rules changing which workers would qualify for overtime pay abandoned their fight Friday in the face of unrelenting pressure from the White House and the House.

Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the chief Republican opponent of the new rules, agreed to drop a provision killing the regulations from a massive spending bill, lawmakers, congressional aides and lobbyists said. Critics of the new rules said they could lead to 8 million workers losing eligibility for overtime pay.

The dispute was the biggest hurdle to completion of a huge, overdue bill financing dozens of federal agencies that Congress' leaders want to complete before lawmakers leave town for the year.

With the overtime fight resolved, it was possible that the spending bill -- exceeding $280 billion, one-eighth of the entire federal budget -- could be approved by the House this weekend and by the Senate early next week.

WASHINGTON - For the fifth straight year, members of Congress will see a jump in their paychecks in 2004, with election-year salaries rising from the current $154,700 to about $158,000.

The Senate, on a 60-34 vote Thursday, rejected a proposal to exempt senators from a cost-of-living increase going to all civilian federal workers and military personnel. Last month the House, by a similar convincing margin, also turned back an attempt to deny lawmakers an automatic share of the COLA increase.

As in past years, the effort to deny senators their pay raise was led by Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who has a policy of returning to the Treasury any pay he receives that is above his salary when he began his six-year term.

"How can Congress give itself a $3,400 pay raise while nearly 9 million people are unemployed, and 2 million have been out of work for more than half a year," Feingold asked.

With the latest increase, he said, members will have received five consecutive pay hikes totaling more than $21,000.


25 Rules For Being A Good Republican

1) Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime,
unless you are millionaire conservative radio jock,
which makes it an "illness" and needs our prayers for
your "recovery".

2) You have to believe that those privileged from birth
achieve success all on their own.

3) You have to believe that the US should get out of the
UN, and that our highest national priority is enforcing
UN resolutions against Iraq.

4) You have to believe that government should stay out of
people's lives but it needs to punish anyone caught having
private sex with the "wrong" gender.

5) You have to believe that pollution is ok, so long as it
makes a profit.

6) You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you
don't pray to Allah or Buddha.

7) "Standing Tall for America" means firing your workers
and moving their jobs to India.

8) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with
decisions about her own body, but that large multi-national
corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind with
no regulation whatsoever.

9) You have to believe that you love Jesus and Jesus loves
you, and that Jesus shares your hatred of AIDS victims,
homosexuals, and Hillary Clinton.

10) You hate the ALCU for representing convicted felons, but
they owed it to the country to bail out Oliver North.

11) You have to believe that the best way to encourage military
morale is to praise the troops overseas while cutting their VA

12) You believe that group sex and drug use are degenerate sins
that can only be purged by running for governor of California
as a Republican.

13) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of
schools, because we all know if teenagers don't have condoms
they won't have sex.

14) You have to believe that the best way to fight terrorism
is to alienate our allies and then demand their cooperation
and money.

15) You have to believe that government medicare is wrong
and that HMO's and insurance companies only have your best
interests at heart.

16) You have to believe that providing health care to all
Iraqis is sound government policy but providing health care
to all Americans is socialism personified.

17) You believe that tobacco's link to cancer and global
warming are "junk science", but Creationism should be taught
in schools.

18) You have to believe that waging war with no exit strategy
was wrong in Vietnam but right in Iraq.

19) You have to believe that Saddam was a good guy when Reagan
armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a
good guy when Cheney was doing business with him, and a bad
guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

20) You believe that government should restrict itself to
just the powers named in the Constitution, which includes
banning gay marriages and censoring the internet.

21) You have to believe that the public has a right to know
about the adulterous affairs of Democrats, while those of
Republicans are a "private matter".

22) You have to believe that the public has a right to know
about Hillary's cattle trades but that Bush was right to
censor those 28 pages from the Congressional 9/11 report
because you just can't handle the truth.

23) You support state rights, which means Ashcroft telling
states what locally passed voter initiatives he will allow
them to have.

24) You have to believe that what Clinton did in the 1960's
is of vital national interest but what Bush did decades later
is "stale news" and "irrelevant".

25) You have to believe that trade with Cuba is wrong because
it is communist, but trading with China and Vietnam is just
And now, 20 ways to be a good Democrat.

1. You must believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of Federal funding.

2. You must believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same children about sex.

3. You must believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding American citizens are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese Communists.

4. You must believe that there was no art before Federal subsidy funding programs.

5. You must believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical, documented changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving Ford Explorers.

6. You must believe that traditional gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.

7. You must be against capital punishment for convicted murderers but support abortion on demand.

8. You must believe that businesses create oppression but governments create prosperity.

9. You must believe that hunters don't care about nature but loony fanatical activists who have never set foot ouside Seattle do.

10. You must believe that self esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

11. You must believe the military, not corrupt world leaders, start wars.

12. You must believe the NRA is a bad thing, because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is a good thing because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.

13. You must believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.

14. You must believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinmen are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee, or Thomas Edison.

15. You must believe that standardized tests are racist but hiring quotas, set asides, and minority race based programs are not.

16. You must believe Hillary Clinton really is a lady.

17. You must believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it has been instituted is because the right people weren't running things.

18. You must believe that conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belongs in the White House.

19. You must believe that illegal Democratic party funding by the Chinese is somehow in the best interest of the United States.

20. You must believe that homosexual displays of drag queens, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected and a manger scene at Christmas should be illegal.

Abraham Lincoln's 10 Guidelines and Republican Party Philosophy

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

2. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.

3. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

4. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

5. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.

6. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

7. You cannot further brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

8. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.

9. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.

10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
Let's also remind everyone that republicans control both houses of Congress.

So if your taxes get raised or anything else,it's a false argument to just blame democrats.


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Just remember Clinton - Gore push through the largest tax incress in History.

In the most widely published image from his Thanksgiving day trip to Baghdad, the beaming president is wearing an Army workout jacket and surrounded by soldiers as he cradles a huge platter laden with a golden-brown turkey.

The bird is so perfect it looks as if it came from a food magazine, with bunches of grapes and other trimmings completing a Norman Rockwell image that evokes bounty and security in one of the most dangerous parts of the world.

But as a small sign of the many ways the White House maximized the impact of the 21/2-hour stop at the Baghdad airport, administration officials said yesterday that Bush picked up a decoration, not a serving plate.

Officials said they did not know the turkey would be there or that Bush would pick it up.
The Washington Post
Oh no! Please say it ain't true! He picked up a decoration? That does it. He no longer deserves respect. Never mind the fact that he was there in the first place instead of laying around stuffing an intern...that doesn't matter.

Thank you for posting that ridiculous nonstory and proving the point more eloquently than I ever could. Point being, the man is a leader and the dems don't have anything to counter with except stupid fluff like this. Vote for fluff if you like, I'll stick with the man who at least went to the troops instead of smoking dope and groping girls young enough to be his daughter.
Could have been worse....he could have shut down an entire airport while he got his haircut.

Oh yeah, that happend several years ago, huh? :huh:
The man goes and see the troops on Thanksgiving day. Somebody is worried about a plastic turkey. Man what a Turkey. :lol:
Bush Donors told to Take off Their Ties so They Would Look Like "Ordinary People"

President Bush came to Indianapolis to send the message that his tax cut plan will help everyone and not just the wealthy. That's why all those people sitting behind him were instructed on what to wear.

When it comes to Bush’s public appearances, it seems very little is left to chance. The president has been criticized for the effort and expense that it took to create photo opportunities when he flew onto the USS Abraham Lincoln earlier this month. The same sort of image-making was a part of his Indianapolis speech.

George W. Bush came to Indianapolis for the picture. And in that picture, the White House wanted ordinary people.

“These are V.I.P.'s right, ordinary people aren't up on stage behind the president of the United States when he's speaking but the trick is to make V.I.P.'s look like they're ordinary people,” said Bill Bloomquist, political scientist.

Rep. Bosma greets Bush without his tie.

That's why everyone sitting behind the president wearing a necktie was instructed to take it off.

Representative Brian Bosma before Bush's speech: Note the tie

Exhibit A is Brian Bosma. He appeared onstage in a necktie, prior to the president's arrival. When the president got there the Indiana House minority leader had an open collar. In a News 8 interview immediately following the speech, the tie was back on.

Former state Republican chairman Mike McDaniel helped organize the event. “They wanted them to be themselves and that's what we were trying to get out of those shots and it worked for the most part,” he said.

"They" are the White House staff, and they had other instructions, too. Bush fan Ann McDaniel was told not to flash her camera. Her companion, Wilma Hart, had this to say to the White House staffer: “I said, ‘Do we look like we just crawled out from under a rock someplace?’”

“When you see somebody who is in coat an tie, then not in coat and tie, then in coat and tie, it sort of reveals that this is about stagecraft rather than statecraft,” said Bloomquist.

Peyton Manning was apparently allowed to keep his tie on. But then, everybody knows he's not ordinary.

There were some other neckties in the crowd but most of them belonged to Secret Service agents. Representative Bosma told News 8, “When the guy from the White House tells you to take your tie off, you don't ask why.” But he also removed his pocket square.

While there’s nothing wrong with image-making, viewers should be aware when it’s taking place.
You should find and read Slick Willie's service record. It was a complete joke. But you should enjoy it if you like Bush's so much. :lol:
Originally posted by Gollum@Dec 5 2003, 07:11 PM
You should find and read Slick Willie's service record. It was a complete joke. But you should enjoy it if you like Bush's so much. :lol:
He has a service record? I thought he ran to Russia, like the coward he is.......
Remember when Clinton went to the beaches of Normandy and just happend to find that pile of stones on the beach which he made into a cross?

They are politicians........... an photo opportunists.

What else is new?
Originally posted by fergy1370+Dec 6 2003, 12:40 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (fergy1370 @ Dec 6 2003, 12:40 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Gollum@Dec 5 2003, 07:11 PM
You should find and read Slick Willie's service record. It was a complete joke. But you should enjoy it if you like Bush's so much. :lol:
He has a service record? I thought he ran to Russia, like the coward he is....... [/b][/quote]
I think he was in the ROTC. He went AWOL from it. :lol:
He DID have a service record.

He got serviced quite frequently while in the White House. :lol:
Coward he is ? What about George W. Bush? Joining the Air National Guard to avoid seeing real combat during NAM? Now that's cowardice if you ask me. What about Dick Cheney? Had no military experience at all, compared to Gore who was a Vietnam Veteran. Or let's go to Rush Limbaugh who begged out of military service, yep, one of the greatest proponents of war, begging out of it.

G.W has to be loving those 1st-grade reading books.
Originally posted by Happy29@Dec 5 2003, 08:24 PM
Coward he is ? What about George W. Bush? Joining the Air National Guard to avoid seeing real combat during NAM? Now that's cowardice if you ask me. What about Dick Cheney? Had no military experience at all, compared to Gore who was a Vietnam Veteran. Or let's go to Rush Limbaugh who begged out of military service, yep, one of the greatest proponents of war, begging out of it.

G.W has to be loving those 1st-grade reading books.
Happy, as usual you don't know ****.

I was in the air Air Guard during Vietnam. I was called up once and almost sent over there. Had I been sent, I would have served with honor.

I happened to have been a student at the time but still felt it important that I serve my country even if it was in the reserves.

For you to say that Bush or anyone else was coward by enlisting in the Guard is insulting to those of us that chose to serve out country in that manner.
Originally posted by fergy1370+Dec 5 2003, 07:40 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (fergy1370 @ Dec 5 2003, 07:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Gollum@Dec 5 2003, 07:11 PM
You should find and read Slick Willie's service record. It was a complete joke. But you should enjoy it if you like Bush's so much. :lol:
He has a service record? I thought he ran to Russia, like the coward he is....... [/b][/quote]
Looks like W and Clinton have a lot in common...they both RAN. And let's stick to the current presient ...ok? I'd be more than happy to post things Clinton screwed up on,but he's not president right now. Listen I I'm no big fan of " I did not have sex with that woman" Bill Clinton,I just dislike Bush a bit more,hell he had "youthful indescretions" too. I would think that it would bother you that Bush got to just take off from his duties for 9 months while others could not. I guess it's ok to have staged press conferences as long as it's a republican? Where's those WMD's again,you know the urgent threat to our national security....ya know that country we bombed back to the stone age in the 1st gulf war? Or says things like this...
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
George W. Bush Address to the Nation March 17, 2003 And yet we haven't found anything like that at all. I mean if you want Bill Clinton lite,you can have him.


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Originally posted by Happy29@Dec 6 2003, 01:24 AM
Coward he is ? What about George W. Bush? Joining the Air National Guard to avoid seeing real combat during NAM? Now that's cowardice if you ask me. What about Dick Cheney? Had no military experience at all, compared to Gore who was a Vietnam Veteran. Or let's go to Rush Limbaugh who begged out of military service, yep, one of the greatest proponents of war, begging out of it.

G.W has to be loving those 1st-grade reading books.
How can you even hint that someone that joins the National Guard is a coward. That is a slap in the face of all military personal everywhere. I have two brothers that served in the Guard. One was down in Memphis in 68 trying to put the city back together after King was murdered. Those people had guns with real bullets. And you call them cowards. :(
Happy my best friend is in the National guard and could be called up to go at any time. We have several members of my church that could be called also. The National guard is nothing to scoff at, they serve our country and have pride in their service. My brother also served when he was of age. he didn't do it to avoid Nam he did it to serve his country the way he thought best.
As usual the young uns' in here don't know what they are talking about, they lack life experience....i just hope they don't say the wong thing to some one in person. To insult some one that is in the Guard by calling them a coward would warrant a retalitory reponse. As usual it seems no good can come from the Dems when it concerns Bush. I ask all you liberal Bush haters out there ....who would you have run this country...there is no one in your camp , credible, intelligent enough, experienced enough,and worthy of the Presidency. To all the liberals who spout your rhetoric and BS., actually that is one in the same....just stop with your stupid spin stuff. If you have something intelligent to say fine, but all this BS. is really getting tiresome! :dual9mm:
Like i said same old :bslfag: You didn't answer my question...who in your camp could do a good job running this country???
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Dec 6 2003, 11:11 AM
Like i said same old :bslfag: You didn't answer my question...who in your camp could do a good job running this country???
My Camp? You assume much,my choice for President in 2000 was McCain,but when he didn't get the nomination I didn't have anyone to vote for. Anyway 2004,I'd would rather have Howard Dean or Wesely Clark over Bush.
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Dec 6 2003, 11:11 AM
Like i said same old :bslfag: You didn't answer my question...who in your camp could do a good job running this country???
What's so great about Bush that you think he is so great? Because you believe that B.S. about Iraq being a threat to our national security.gimmee a break.And he was harboring terrorists? How come we never heard about Saddam and terrorists before 9/11? hmmmmm...because the only people he terrorized was were people within Iraq. And those 19 terrorists,6 of which were found alive,were from Saudi Arabia. Look pal,I was for going after the terror camps in Afghanistan,but Iraq was no threat to ua at should know better.Too bad you swallowed that b.s. hook,line and sinker.

How come we still haven't been told who leaked that CIA agents name to Robert Novak,why does Condi keep her job when she had Bush tell that lie about uranium in Niger? I'm telling you he is nothin but Bill Clinton lite and you buy it.Belibe what you want,and I will too. You should really do some homework on your beloved W,you might learn something.
Yeh and you choose to beleive all the hype about the anti-Bush crusaders. There is way too much information out there that is not accurate. I think going into Iraq was the right thing to do, Sadam would continued on doing all same old crap and worse. Why was it so bad that we went in there, was it because we didn't get international Come on the UN is a joke and has ben for quite some time. If we let the UN run the show they would of completely fowled it up. Look i'm not for war never have been , but when it is necessary to rid the world of some one as bad as Sadam i'm all for it. As for Howard Dean and Clark i sure wouldn't want them running my country, especially Dean.....he seems like he is gooing to have a temper tantrum any second. He is way too unstable, Clark lacks experience for sure, but the Clinton camp is puting ther money on him. I really think there is no one in the Dems side that can defeat Bush, who ever gets the nomination will have a up hill battle. The biggest thing that irks me is the way democrats attack the person rather than the issues, that pisses me off more than anything. To me that is the chicken way out , but hey whaterver floats their boat.
A good 75% of the American people had never of Osama and the Al-qiida (sp) before 911. either.
Originally posted by Mopardh9@Dec 7 2003, 08:55 AM
Yeh and you choose to beleive all the hype about the anti-Bush crusaders. There is way too much information out there that is not accurate. I think going into Iraq was the right thing to do, Sadam would continued on doing all same old crap and worse. Why was it so bad that we went in there, was it because we didn't get international Come on the UN is a joke and has ben for quite some time. If we let the UN run the show they would of completely fowled it up. Look i'm not for war never have been , but when it is necessary to rid the world of some one as bad as Sadam i'm all for it. As for Howard Dean and Clark i sure wouldn't want them running my country, especially Dean.....he seems like he is gooing to have a temper tantrum any second. He is way too unstable, Clark lacks experience for sure, but the Clinton camp is puting ther money on him. I really think there is no one in the Dems side that can defeat Bush, who ever gets the nomination will have a up hill battle. The biggest thing that irks me is the way democrats attack the person rather than the issues, that pisses me off more than anything. To me that is the chicken way out , but hey whaterver floats their boat.

These are some of the places I get my information. Browse them if you like,I find them highly reliable.


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I read worldnetdaily every day but for the rest i wouldn't waste my time.
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