This place is awesome!



Some of you might know me from another board :rolleyes: I heard that this place was run good for everyone so I came over and checked it out but didn't know how cool it was.

This place rocks!
its definantly a place for good clean interaction. enjoy your stay:D
I wouldn't mind it a little more risque...but gotta be careful for all the little kids.
It seems that once stuff like that starts, it gets out of hand. I would like it but it might go to far.
i remember someone being run off because there avatar had alittle smile face flipping the bird really fast. talk about turning poeple away before they even get to say hi
:D You'll like the place. Gotta keep things under control or you will have a place like thatsracin forum.
Originally posted by freako
i remember someone being run off because there avatar had alittle smile face flipping the bird really fast. talk about turning poeple away before they even get to say hi

Freako, if you're referring to WindyCityRacer and the avatar that spawned the whole "If you don't like what I say" (someting like that) thread, You might want to go back over the thread and read it again. Windy was not run off or turned away. He was simply asked to change it because this isn't an adult forum and children do see the avatars that people use here. IMO, there's a big difference between what actually happend and "being run off"
Welcome aboard TD. :D

And yuppers, one of the cleanest boards I've ever found and I hope it stays that way.

As for folks getting run off.....ya never know what goes on in private messages between the mods and the users so to say somebody was run off because of what ya see in the public forum may not even be close to the real reason.

I run a couple email list and if somebody gets rambunctious I'll write a note about cooling it and if they argue the point, they be history.

Be nice and share your toys is just not that hard to do.:D
he certainly didn't post much after that

but ig guess we all need to be babysitters for your kids too
Welcome TD, and I hope you don't mind us abbreviating your handle:D

We all do get a little silly sometimes, and you can post your off color stuff at the bar and grill.

This place is AWESOME!!
Originally posted by paul
I wouldn't mind it a little more risque...but gotta be careful for all the little kids.

Paul, with comments like that it is so hard not to make about twenty jokes...
I didn't mean to start a debate just wanted to say that I liked it here. :(
TD, glad ya like it here.

And glad you're here too.

Don't fret if a little debate starts up, it's kinda the purpose ya know? Where a thread will lead is one of the great and mysterious unknowns.;)
Originally posted by TurboDiesel
I didn't mean to start a debate just wanted to say that I liked it here. :(

Dude, you didn't start anything.....;) Glad you're here!!

Go Chevy!!:D
Dinosaur? You saying I'm an old fossil? Might be though, sometimes my bones feel petrified!!:)
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2
Dinosaur?  You saying I'm an old fossil?  Might be though, sometimes my bones feel petrified!!:)

Oh you will know when the bones start to go Wrangman.10 years in a foundry started to show up as of late.Not counting the abuse I put on them from racing. ;)
Don't fret if a little debate starts up, it's kinda the purpose ya know? Where a thread will lead is one of the great and mysterious unknowns.
really i'm not that great and just a little just kidding:D

WELCOME TD it is a nice forum and the people here are just as nice!!!
Welcome, TD. I am a newbie here too and this board rocks. Far better than some boards I have come across.
Originally posted by freako
he certainly didn't post much after that

but ig guess we all need to be babysitters for your kids too

He didn't post alot before that thread either. He's been here awhile but only posts occasionally. I think once you read some more threads you'll feel more comfortable and understand this place a lil more. It really is a great place and we all get to speak our minds. I've been here since July and I've seen two people that were taken off the board. I assure you it wasn't because of one small thing that they said. They got lots & lots of warnings and pm's. Relax, you're not going to get run off that easy. :)

TD, Freako, Mis-fit, and all the other newbies, welcome to one of the best places on the net. Sit back, relax, and post away!!

Originally posted by rpmallen
It's a good place to chat, argue, or just have fun.

We've never argued before RPM, I don't know what you could possibly be talking about.:p
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