This will get ugly, real fast.



Is this guy really a hero?
#4350527 - 06/11/09 11:44 AM Edit Reply Quote

Ever since that crazy fellow shot the guard at the DC museum yesterday all we have been hearing is how big a hero the guard was yada yada yada.
... I didn't know the details but it seems like when ever a person gets shot like this they automaticaly become a "hero"
Just watched the DC news conference and seems the gun man double parked in front of the museum got out of his car carring a rifle walks up to the museum entrance and this guard opens the door for him [!] Gunman raised his rifle and shot the guard killing him right off. Other guards then shot the gunman...Am Im missing something here? What exactly did this guard do that was heroic...Matter of fact I think a point could be made that he wasn't to smart to open up a door for a guy carring a rifle though to be fair maybe he didn't see the gun...but now he is a hero? Even heard how he saved all these children and by opening a door for a gunman and then getting shot?
Personaly I think to be called a hero a person would have to do something that knowlingly put his life in danger to save others...this guy sounds more like a victim to me

Also what with the shooter using an old .22 rifle that may have jammed ? You would think if a person was going to do something like this, which you got to think they know is a one time deal, they would use something a little more effective......Txx

Stay tuned for updates,,,:(
Is this guy really a hero?
#4350527 - 06/11/09 11:44 AM Edit Reply Quote

Ever since that crazy fellow shot the guard at the DC museum yesterday all we have been hearing is how big a hero the guard was yada yada yada.
... I didn't know the details but it seems like when ever a person gets shot like this they automaticaly become a "hero"
Just watched the DC news conference and seems the gun man double parked in front of the museum got out of his car carring a rifle walks up to the museum entrance and this guard opens the door for him [!] Gunman raised his rifle and shot the guard killing him right off. Other guards then shot the gunman...Am Im missing something here? What exactly did this guard do that was heroic...Matter of fact I think a point could be made that he wasn't to smart to open up a door for a guy carring a rifle though to be fair maybe he didn't see the gun...but now he is a hero? Even heard how he saved all these children and by opening a door for a gunman and then getting shot?
Personaly I think to be called a hero a person would have to do something that knowlingly put his life in danger to save others...this guy sounds more like a victim to me

Also what with the shooter using an old .22 rifle that may have jammed ? You would think if a person was going to do something like this, which you got to think they know is a one time deal, they would use something a little more effective......Txx

Stay tuned for updates,,,:(
Where did this drivel come from?

They've got their freedom of speech -- well, they should be damn glad, because if people like James von Brunn ran the world, nobody would be allowed to have any opinion -- and a lot of people wouldn't even be allowed to live.

Sad. :(
BTW, the whackjob gunman had his rifle concealed under a trench coat.
Geez Andy, you missed the whole point. But what's new on that. If you want to make the argument that he was a hero, make the point. :rolleyes:
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