My husband got one a couple of weeks ago. It was after school hours and they were hiding on a side street. He and my son were wondering what was going on with all the lights ahead. Well apparently they weren't even using radar. They said the school put up a lazer or something? I forget what he said. Anyway, the ticket cost him a bundle since he was 15 mi. over the speed limit and they considered it in a "zone" meaning either a school zone or a work zone. He just put down a card number and sent it in and they didn't charge as much as it indicated it would on the ticket. It still was $150.
Speaking of lights - I got into an accident when I was almost home Wednesday around 4:45 pm. I had the right of way and as I get up to cross the intersection I see there's a car turning right in front of me. I slammed on my breaks and turned the wheel a bit trying to avoid him, but we crashed. He was a 21-yr-old young guy and after he asks if I'm alright he asks me if I was going really fast, was I speeding? I don't think so!!! He's having a fit. We got out of the intersection - that was scary since cars just kept going around us. Two cop cars showed up and he's trying to tell them he thinks I was going too fast and finally the police office told him if I was speeding, I would have knocked him into the parking lot across the street. (He had a small car and I was driving our minivan) Besides that, I had the right of way and it was HIS responsibility to make sure it was safe to turn. He didn't like that so much. It sure as heck shook me up. At least his insurance co. has to pay. Ugggh!