Time for a change with Fox



Today, I had enough of Fox's NASCAR coverage. I muted the sound on my TV and tuned in MRN.

NBC did it last year...I think Fox needs to do it this year. Move DW out of the booth and down....somewhere away from any microphones. Move Larry "Hisself" MacReynolds to the pits, and Mike Joy to Siberia. Put Jeff Hammond in the booth, and get a driver who has been behind the wheel of a NASCAR Cup car within the last 2 years with him. Hell, get a Busch Series driver to work the booth on Sunday's. They're copy-cat stunt was pathetic, too. I bet they weren't going more than 90 MPH.

Enough is enough with Fox...I can't stand 'em any more. I had hoped they wouldn't be around after this year. Thank goodness for MRN.
You prefer MRN's 100 mile a minute talk? This is not an April Fools joke, is it? :p
The lesser of 2 evils. But, you have to consider that it is radio, they have to talk fast because, unlike TV, there is no visual to coincide with the banter. MRN does a good job as they explain about as much as they can given their medium.

I've listened to MRN while at the track, and their on-track commentating may be delayed a few seconds (and sometimes a little embellished), I think they are 100 times better than the Fools on Fox.

Just my opinion...I know there are people who can't get enough of the crew on Fox.
i agree ryan...i listen to them while at the track...they can go overboard sometimes...but i think its ok since you cant see the cars if you arent at the race track.

i can do without the rednecks from Fox....
I like fox.. i didn't care for the driveing copy part.. it was stupid, but i love Larry McRenolds.. i dont mind DW, and Mike Joy is ok.. i hate Wally and Bill.. BP is fun, i think they should make an allstar team with the best announcers from both networks!
i can't comment on yesterday i didn't see it, however i have in the past i i haven't like the fox crew since day 1
I like Fox from the standpoint that Larry Mac and DW talk as though they're in the garage area. They talk to technical side with the cars. But I also like the NBC bunch when they talk about driving the car. But Fox focuses too much on the fluff and promoting themselves. Their production team are not racing people, the director is on record saying he doesn't like racing. It shows.
MRM said:
I like Fox from the standpoint that Larry Mac and DW talk as though they're in the garage area. They talk to technical side with the cars. But I also like the NBC bunch when they talk about driving the car. But Fox focuses too much on the fluff and promoting themselves. Their production team are not racing people, the director is on record saying he doesn't like racing. It shows.
NBC sucks way more than FOX

ditto both of you. I've listened/watched all three, and i rank them fox-NBC-MRN (good to bad).
Somehow, it seems to me, no matter WHO is the broadcast booth, no matter what network, somebody is going to complain.
In a way it's similar to the way each of us have a favorite driver.
End of the "B" word?


Yeah, like that will ever happen. DW doesn't care, it's all about him anyway.

NBC, Fox, MRN...yeah, someone will always complain (like me). I never had any complaints when ESPN aired the races, though. I guess the only solution is to go to more races. :) Maybe DirecTV will do something similar to that of digital cable (is that feature still available for digital cable subscribers?) and I can just pick an in-car camera to watch all race long.
NOTE: As usual, long post from the Buck!:beerbang:

Kat, you hit the nail on the head. In the old days when Ken Squirrel was doing the race for CBS, at first it was great cause that was all that we could get on TV. For any of us who couldn't get MRN, we were truely greatful. However, this is like anything else, when you have a steady diet of it, you can pick and choose who you like and dislike. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say they dislike DW, but when you ask them if they liked him or disliked him when he was on the track, almost all of them didn't care for him when he drove. So for me, this dislike for him in the booth is just a carry over from when he was a driver. Of course, there are those who really don't like him and never got to see him drive a race car.

Announcers are what they are. The become successful because they are good, regardless of whether you like them or not. We could sit all the members of this forum down in a room and ask who is the best in the booth and wouldn't get a consensous on anyone. We might find the most hated, but that person might also be the most loved such as Howard Cosell was with Monday Night Football. As for me, I don't mind DW, but early on, I was a DW fan. I never really cared for Benny when he was racing, and though I enjoyed his new style in the booth at first, I can't stand the man now. Wally Dallenbach was never a great driver, not even in the open wheel series. It's been said that his wife was a better driver. However, I do like his style in the booth. He always seems to be the most honest of any of the anylists in that he tells it like it really is, even if it isn't liked. Benny and DW seem to be the most sycophants of NASCAR with Benny seemly being a part owner of the series with his bend over and take it where it goes with the sports sanctioning body. Larry Mac, what can I say about him. This man knows what he's talking about and if people don't care how he sounds, (my wife, being a southern born and southern bread NASCAR lover hates him) I say tough stuff. He adds charactor to the sport, which is needed. I never liked Alan Bestwick in the booth, but love him in the pits. Don't care for Webber in the booth, but liked him in the pits. Mike Joy has been around for years and I do like his style. Also, I pretty much enjoy both FOX and NBC's pit reporters. FOX does seem to have more fun and that's fine with me. As for ESPN, I don't mind Bob Jenkins as I've listened to him for years. I did like the late Larry Nuber, though it seems that the "in's" at ESPN never really cared for him and when NASCAR really took off, they canned him. Doc Punch is in a league of his own and for his part, I admire him totally for sticking to a network that gave him his start and not checking out to FOX or NBC. With his "homecoming" of sorts, it will be nice when ABC and ESPN comes back into the sport.

In closing, I must say that I'm just really glad that this sport that I so dearly love is being broadcast both on TV and radio, something that many years ago I never got.
buckaroo said:
In closing, I must say that I'm just really glad that this sport that I so dearly love is being broadcast both on TV and radio, something that many years ago I never got.
Good post buckaroo. I don't agree with everything you said, but you gave your opinion without trashing someone. Good stuff.

I remember the days when there were only 3 races on TV live, a few were shown on tape delay a week later, and the rest weren't on TV. I guess we are spoiled because not only is every race on TV, but qualifying, practice, and much more is on.
The funny thing is that I liked DW when he was driving. Toward the end of his career, mainly. When he and Larry started on Fox, I thought it was pretty cool. The "b"-word thing was kind of funny at the beginning. First few races, it was fine. For the last 5 years? I just had enough on Sunday. I had hoped that maybe he wasn't going to do it this season. But, alas, Larry started talking about pulling on the belts, I knew it wasn't.

It is what it is...just too bad it is.
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