Tire change? What tire change?

o k then why has all the media told us that is a softer tire, I believe goodyear but all I've heard all week softer tire this and softer tire that and if the media was wrong why did goodyear come out with this story so late, why not correct the media and some of the drivers earlier in the week cause I heard some of the drivers say this is a
softer tire.
The confusion was probably created because they will be using a softer tire at most tracks...

And if you aren't questioning the truthfulness of Goodyear's statement, then why are you questioning the thurthfulness of Goodyear's statement?
I'm not questioning goodyear, why did'nt goodyear correct NBC and SPEED and some drivers saying the reason for the tire problems is because there softer, they should of came out with that story tuesday when they started having problems and them saying it was because of a softer tire.
I just want things the way they use to be, I liked the cars coming along like freight train and hearing it on my surround sound. :)
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