TMS Tower Falls down



* Wind topples Texas Motor Speedway tower UPDATE will be rebuilt: A 110-foot scoring tower at Texas Motor Speedway fell to the ground Tuesday afternoon after a sudden gust of wind, a speedway spokesman said. No one was injured, and no events were under way at the track. The tower is one of two electronic scoring towers that keep track of each car's position during a race, speedway spokesman Gary Guehler said. Damage to the tower was estimated at $250,000 and there was no damage to the track, Guehler said.(Fort Worth Star Telegram)(1-28-2003)
geez, first people get killed in the grandstand at Charlotte because a fence isn't high enough, then one of the pedestrian bridges collapses injuring about a hundred fans and now a quarter million dollar scoring tower at TMS collapses in a gust of wind?
I sure would have second thoughts about attending a race at one of Bruton's tracks. At least until they hire a different contractor....:eek:
You would think a quater million dollar scoring tower would be able to with stand a gust of wind.
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