Today is going to suck



Awaiting a call fom the Vet, looks like we're going to have to put DeNiro down today. Here he is cleaning a paddock.

This is going to suck big time.
So, so sorry to hear that. What is wrong with DeNiro?

And, Nick, sorry about Dixie. :(
Man I know how you feel. I had Kandy all her life I raised her from a new born colt. She was 33 years old and I come in one afternoon and she was down. I had to get the vet and have her put down. That was one of the saddest days of my life.
sorry to hear this sst55 :( the only consolation i can give you is that you know he had a good life and now you're doing this one last chore to help him out of love.
So sorry SST :( Horses are such majestic, special animals. I lose it whenever I have to have a pet put down since they become part of the family. Sad indeed.
So sorry, hardest thing to do is to put down an animal that you raised all its' life. Had to do that last Sept. with my Siberian/Wolf mix, best damn animal I ever owned and his life got cut short by leukemia. Hope you remember all the good times with DeNiro everyday, that's what I do, I have pictures every where, and wallpaper of my dog on my puter.
I know how you feel. My wife and I just lost our cat this past Thursday. I've been having trouble sleeping since I found out...
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