Today Is The Pits Here.


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
It has been a chit day here in Houston. Cold rain all day long, some heavy thunderstorms, and no relief in sight. Now, there's even the possibility of "frozen precipitation" here. Those of you who know how to cope with "frozen precip" have no idea the chaos that will happen if it occurs.

Think I'll just stay home, drink hot chocolate, and read a good book.
Same here, COLD, wet and worse to come for the weekend.

I can't wait for spring!!!

What are YOU reading? I'm in the middle of an older Koontz thingy.

Oh, did you get my email about my choices for The Big Dawgs?
It's not much better up here either, TRL. And, yes I can relate to exactly what you are talking about with the "frozen precip". We've had just as many fender benders up here with just the rain, so triple it for frozen precip. That is when I say forget it and stay home!
It's about to get downright crappy here shortly. They're calling for 3-6 inches of snow. Where is spring???
kat, yes, I got your Big Dawg picks. :) We have the same team with the exception of the rookie. LOL

Right now, I have 2 books going --- one about Alexander the Great by Harold Lamb, and Little Women.
The sun is shining and it's 24 here in cheeseheadland. I'm currently reading a mystery by Monica Ferris. In my spare time I'm stitching a 16th, century knot garden sampler for the state needlework competition in August. If I start now, I have a fighting chance of getting it done. (In between races, of course!)
Just after all our snow melted it snowed again!!! I HATE SNOW!!!!
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